Genre-blending folk band The Rabbitts have been described as "ethereal and understated" on BBC Radio 6 Music. Their unique and colourful sound is characterised by delicate harmonies and an intricately interwoven tapestry of mandolin guitar bass and drums. In the summer of 2024 they released their EP ‘The Weight of the Water Above Me’ which Glide Magazine described as “a glorious display of ambient folk”. It is the 1st in a series of 4 EPs which are being released seasonally with the final scheduled for spring 2025. These follow on from their album 'Love' which was described as "intricate lush and completely captivating" by Podcart. They are an ever evolving group who are constantly creating and rarely staying still. The Norwich based band are kicking off 2025 with their second tour of the UK.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
The Smokehouse, South Street Studios 6 South Street, International House, 6 South St, Ipswich IP1 3NU, United Kingdom, Ipswich