The Poetry Brothel LA: Poetic Pleasure Potions

Fri Apr 19 2024 at 06:30 pm to 10:30 pm

El Cid Cabaret Concert Theater | Los Angeles

The Poetry Society of New York
Publisher/HostThe Poetry Society of New York
The Poetry Brothel LA: Poetic Pleasure Potions
Take a sip from a spellbound blend of poetry & burlesque, where words seduce and bodies dance, to create a delicious voyage of desire.
About this Event

Step into the intoxicating world of 'Poetic Pleasure Potions,' where every sip of verse is a seductive elixir for the soul. Immerse yourself in a whirlwind of desire as poetry, movement, and live music sing a symphony of sensuality. Let words flow, each line a tantalizing taste of forbidden fruit, while bodies move in rhythmic harmony, a dance of temptation under the dim glow of stage lights.

Indulge in one-on-one poetry readings, where whispers of passion caress your ears like silk. This isn't just a show; it's an immersive experience, a journey into the depths of your desires. Lose yourself in the enchantment of the night, where fantasies take flight and inhibitions fade. Join us for a night of poetic revelry, where every moment is a sip of ecstasy and every sensation leaves you craving more.

Madam Tallula presents a rotating cast of poets who impart their work as purveyors of private poetry readings in secret, hidden, well-appointed chambers. You may avail yourself of your choice of poet for tokens at any time during the event.

On the patio, the troupe presents Tarot readings, poetic souvenirs, live typewriter poetry, and occasional dance and musical performances.

On the stage, a three-hour roster of Vaudeville variety entertainment... and words, words, words! The El Cid tapas kitchen and bar will be open for dinner and drinks throughout.


-Doors open at 6:30pm & The show begins promptly at 7pm.

-This event is 21+.

-Costumes, cocktail attire, and/or thematic evening wear are encouraged but not required.

"13 Best Things to Do in LA: Prepare to have your expectations exceeded by The Poetry Brothel." - LA Weekly¸·

In addition to its poets, The Poetry Brothel presents artists and activists working in a variety of mediums both on stage and through its ever-changing array of intimate, interactive, and creative services. Artists performing with the Brothel may be male, female, faeries, sea creatures, witches, aliens, POC, straight, queer, emerging, established, local, international, and everything in between.

On Consent: Behave with beauty, connect with intention. We are, by and large, a no-contact event -- here to blow your mind and nothing else! Always ask before touching anyone in our House, and report any discomfort to security or staff or the Madam Herself without delay.

Themed costumes and/or vintage formal wear are encouraged but not required. This event is 21+This is a wheelchair accessible event (ask us how!)Our show includes flashing lights, reasonably amplified music, a startling glimpse of your true self, and fog machines

The Poetry Brothel is brought to you by The Poetry Society of New York. Please consider becoming a PSNY member for access to pre-sale specials, discounted and/or free tickets to future Poetry Brothel events, and tons of other perks. Learn more at


Event Venue & Nearby Stays

El Cid Cabaret Concert Theater, 4212 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, United States


USD 0.00 to USD 240.00

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