About this Event
The US economy is constantly evolving, influenced by employment numbers, the rise and fall of inflation, foreign policy, domestic economic agendas, and movement of citizens between different regions. As a job seekers, all of these effects working in tandem can impact the inner workings of a job search.
Join Colin Mo of Albert's List and Dr. Reilly White, Professor of Finance at the University of New Mexico for a monthly webinar where they'll discuss how these factors are impacting your career, particularly for those who work in tech and reside in the San Francisco Bay Area. You'll learn about:
- The most recent month's jobs report, including its biggest takeaways, silver linings, and potential warning signs.
- The most recent month's CPI report and how the rising cost of goods and money are impacting the flow of investments or consumer spending.
- What to expect in the weeks and months ahead as economic conditions evolve.
- How the economic numbers are impacting those in the San Francisco Bay Area and the technology industry!
- Other notable trends moving the market, including bonds, housing prices, quit rates, and more!
- And much more!
Join us with your questions, comments, and concerns.
Dr. White is the Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning and an Associate Professor of Finance with tenure at the University of New Mexico. Dr. White also serves on the board of the CFA Society of New Mexico, advisor for the $4.7 Million student-run UNM Regent’s Portfolio, and leads a series of financial literacy projects in the community. Prior to his career in academia, Dr. White worked as an analyst for a large Boston-based bank, where he learned a great deal about company analysis, funding, and maintaining ethical corporate leadership. He has consulted with investment managers and municipalities on maintaining optimal portfolio strategies, particularly in response to economic challenges. Dr. White was also awarded the 2022 Paul Bartlett Ré Emerging Promotor of Peace Award and serves on the of board Voz Collegiate Preparatory School.
In addition to his PhD from the University of Connecticut, Dr. White graduated summa cum laude from the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth with a degree in Finance. Dr. White has published nineteen articles in finance and financial technology in the last few years, including articles in Physica A, Journal of Corporate Finance, IEEE, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, and the Journal of Banking and Finance. With his students, he co-authored Financial Literacy for Immigrants and Refugees, a free financial literacy handbook that has been translated into Spanish, Arabic, and Dari. Since 2020, Dr. White has been interviewed over 150 times by local and national media outlets on various economic and finance topics.
Visit his website at https://www.reillywhite.com/.
Albert's List is a job search community bringing together 50,200+ job seekers, hiring managers, recruiters, career coaches, and working professionals in Silicon Valley and beyond to accelerate job search outcomes, provide career advice, and facilitate networking opportunities. Members hail from and have been hired at companies including Workday, Microsoft, GoPro, Google, Cisco, and Salesforce.
Have a job to post or looking to make your next career move? Join us at https://bit.ly/findyournextjob.
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