A chronicle of the highs and lows of legendary garage rock band The Fuzztones, whose career spans over 40 years, 17 line-ups, and countless records. Formed in New York City in the early 80s, their redefining brand of Psychedelic Punk spawned an exciting new scene, and its unstoppable and charismatic leader, Rudi Action Protrudi, still carries on his unique vision passionately across the world today.Directed by Danny Garcia (THE RISE AND FALL OF THE CLASH, SAD VACATION), THE FUZZTONES VS THE WORLD features interviews with band founder/leader Rudi Protrudi, Lana Loveland, Deb O’Nair, Jayne County, Lenny Kaye, Jake Cavaliere, Mad Mike Czekaj, Elan Portnoy, Michael Jay and many other members and ex members of the legendary band.
Doors 7:00 / $12 admission
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
PhilaMOCA, 531 N 12th St,Philadelphia,PA,United States