Ko Roharoha te MaungaKo Waiarohia te Awa
Ko Te Pouka, Ngatikorokoro, Ngatiwhararaa me Te Roroa ngā Hapu
Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi
Ko Te Kura Takiwā o Opononi te Kura
E titiro ana ki Te Wahapu o te Hokianga Nui a Kupe
Ki Te Ao Mārama.
Te Kura Takiwa o Opononi Board of Trustees extend an invitation for you to join us in celebrating the 50th Jubilee of the Te Tai Tokerau Secondary Schools Kapahaka Festival 2025.
This historically significant event will take place at our school over two days on the 9th and 10th April 2025, with two stage performances per group.
Te Tai Tokerau Secondary Schools will honour the annual festival by show casing the hard work and efforts of their students in representing their school, their culture and their genealogy. It will also honour our local community and the wider Northland communities as we celebrate and acknowledge 50 years of cultural diversity, endurance and resilience.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
263 State Highway 12, Omapere, New Zealand 0473, 263 SH 12, Omapere, Kaikohe 0473, New Zealand,Opononi, New Zealand, Kaikohe