About this Event
Recruiters + hiring managers decide whether they will hire you within the first 90 seconds of your interview. This means that the best story wins. Do you know how your story is?
If you're struggling to align your education, work experience, and career goals into a cohesive story for interviews, and you’re unsure of how to best tell your unique story in a way that your dream company "gets it", WorkWell knows what you need. While you might be unsure around how your previous experiences can get you where you want to be, you likely have amazing transferable skills, kickass accomplishments, and the passion to move you toward your dream job!
Join WorkWell coaches for an impactful workshop on storytelling where you will learn the power of your personal narrative. Lucy Basta, co-founder of WorkWell has, coached 1100+ people into high paying tech jobs and negotiated millions of dollars in salaries. She knows exactly what it takes to land both technical and non-technical roles at a company you are actually excited about where you make what you deserve!
-Understanding of your values + skills
-Knowledge of how to craft your stories for interviews
-Best practices you can use any time
-Networking with an awesome community to stay connected to
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