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Four Theosophy Talk on 'The Hierarchy of Compassion - worldwide, of all times'
The last 30 minutes of the lectures there is a study via the chat.
16 February 2025 -
Throughout history and across the globe, there have always been individuals dedicated to fostering the moral and ethical development of humanity as a whole. These individuals have united in a collaborative effort known as the Lodge of Wisdom and Compassion. This Lodge is part of what is referred to as the Hierarchy of Compassion.
Who or what is this Hierarchy? What is its purpose, and how does it operate? How can we recognize it, and what does it mean for us today?
23 February 2025 -
Many myths and stories speak of humanity’s awakening: Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods and ignited human thought; Adam and Eve, who ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, becoming self-aware. What is the meaning of these stories? Was there one specific moment when humanity awakened? What exactly happened, and how do we still see its effects today?
2 March 2025 -
Since the founding of the Theosophical Society in 1875, H.P. Blavatsky, her Teachers, and later her successors gradually revealed how streams of inspiration flow into the world. They demonstrated how Mystery Schools have been involved in every major development in religion, philosophy, and science. The streams of inspiration from these Mystery Schools are sometimes visible but often go unnoticed by those focused on daily concerns and the turbulence of the world. What are these Mystery Schools? Why did they begin to work in secrecy? Can one still join them today, and under what conditions?
9 March 2025 - Spiritual impulses before H.P. Blavatsky (1875)
Throughout history and across the world, there have been impulses of wisdom, compassion, and peace. In our collective memory, we often, and mistakenly, associate these spiritual impulses with a single individual who seemed to appear suddenly and disappear just as quickly: Krishna, Buddha, Pythagoras, Lao-Tzu, Jesus, Plato, Mohammed, and others.
However, spiritual impulses do not exist in isolation. Those who delve deeper will discover connections, stretching from East to West, between these spiritual impulses, their origins, and their succession from the distant past to more recent history. With the arrival of H.P. Blavatsky in 1875, these lines converge and re-emerge into the light.
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Online Theosophy Talks 2024-2025
Universal Wisdom
October 6 - What lies hidden in your consciousness?
October 20 - Laws of Life in man and cosmos
November 3 - Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
The insanity of war: time to act like HUMANS again
November 17 - Can we recognize the process of reincarnation?
December 1 - The alchemical transformation of war to peace, How do you reconcile with your ‘enemy’?
A non-political view of the global political climate
December 15 - 2024: half the world’s population goes to the polls - What is the point of voting? Our right, duty, responsibility to vote
January 5 - A wise democracy
The Mystical Birth
January 19 - The four sacred moments of the year
February 2 - The Silent Watcher as Initiator
The Hierarchy of Compassion
February 16 - The Hierarchy of Compassion: worldwide, of all times
February 23 - The awakening of humanity
March 2 - Mystery schools: the fountain-source of every religion, philosophy and science
March 9 - Spiritual impulses before H.P. Blavatsky (1875)
H.P. Blavatsky's mission in the Hierarchy of Compassion
March 16 - H.P. Blavatsky: the Mystery (exoteric and esoteric)
March 23 - Unveiling the invisible worlds
March 30 - Unlocking the Eastern Wisdom
April 6 - The Secret Doctrine and the Esoteric School
H.P. Blavatsky's role in transforming the world-mentality (part 1)
April 13 - The spiritual heart of every being
April 20 - From: the infinity of Life - To: vegetarianism, cremation, abolition of capital punishment
April 27 - Universal Brotherhood
May 4 - From: humanity, a unity - To: Peace Conferences, United Nations, decolonization
H.P. Blavatsky's role in transforming the world-mentality (part 2)
May 11 - Freedom of thought and conscience
May 18 - From: the equality and unique function of all beings - To: animal protection and abolition of slavery, racism, caste system, child labor
May 25 - From: consciousness as the cause of the phenomenal world - To: a new foundation for science
June 1 - Compassion as a universal way of living
Contributing to 2000 years future of Theosophy
June 8 - Keeping the ideals of humanity ensouled
June 15 - Keeping the future of humanity protected
June 22 - The mission of H.P. Blavatsky: and how do WE continue her work?
June 29 - Theosophical Society Point Loma (TSPL): the magical power of working in a group
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The Netherlands
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