Sound Arson v sodelovanju z ekipo Parcipativne Ljubljanske Avtonomne Cone pripravlja večer ambientalne glasbe z mednarodnimi umetniki.Bu.d.d.A. (Bund des dritten Auges) is the duo of Sascha Stadlmeier (EMERGE, attenuation circuit) and Chris Sigdell (B°TONG, Leaden Fumes). It is dedicated to meditative ambient drone music and contrary to their respective solo projects, here the two musicians play conventional instruments - electric guitar and electric violin. Since its conception in 2019, Bu.d.d.A. have released several limited EPs and the album "Diese Anmut von Trophäen" on Zhelezobeton/attenuation circuit. They have supported well-known names like Bohren & der Club of Gore and The Legendary Pink Dots, played various renown festivals and toured with Drekka (USA) and N (Hellmut Neidhardt). During the tour with N they were asked to play as a trio at some dates, thus the idea for joining forces was born and thus the new N / Bu.d.d.A. album on Auf Abwegen.
is an Italian experimental singer, actress, music composer and multiinstrumentalist considered by the press as one of the global contemporary experimentation's new best artist.
It's a musical and performative project created by Virginia Quaranta aka Bebawinigi. It is an all-around experiment. She experiments with a wide variety of genres to create something new; she experiments with instruments but also with any objects that could make an interesting sound; above all she experiments with her voice and theatricality through a broad range of different
timbres, vocal registers and colours; lastly she experiments with verbal language often preferring her own personal “grammelot” (an invented language) over Italian or English.
According to the artist, the name Bebawinigi represents the graceless, grotesque, disturbing and inexorably imperfect creature that lies in each one of us, which we try to get rid of when we become adults, but which will always be a part of us.
STUPOR (Oct 2022)
MAO (Oct 2021)
SOUNDTRACKS (2014-2021)
-In the Hall of the Mountain King
-Cugino Itt
Iz eksperimentalnih poljan črne kovine predstavlja Snøgg svoje mračne kotičke, kjer ni obremenitev in pritiskov večnosti in všečnosti ampak le prostranost raziskovanja ter oranje sadov psihadeličnega preizkusa.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
PLAC - Participativna Ljubljanska Avtonomna Cona, Linhartova cesta 43, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, Slovenia