A powerful offering of a full group breathwork session.
About this Event
It is wonderful to be back in action and yes, I am responding to monthly session requests galore! We are ofically booked through April 2025! Celebrate and You're Welcome : )
Finding your inner purpose sounds pretty out there, or entirely out of grasp, yet it's something shared with me recently from a person who has attended a few of my somatic breath work sessions. She shared, “I am discovering who I really am, and I like her.”
After finding a new location and offering a first full session in this new location, I heard from several to please offer this monthly. Excited to share the upcoming dates and new testimonials coming in, for now check out the ones received and see if this is a good fit for you by reading below.
Somatic breath work is a trauma aware practice offered by Susan Jones, founder of Creative Behavior Systems. Susan has spent most of the last 25+ years unraveling how communication, lived experiences, and systems of oppression impact most intentions and perceptions, of not only each other in often negative ways, but ourselves included.
Unraveling current processes to be trauma aware practices in action is a shift in what we are currently doing, which takes time, intention and practice.
Susan has focused her efforts in teaching people about our stress response systems, how we regulate and why and in this she stumbled across a certification program in Austin Texas, September of 2023 Susan spent a week in Austin not only gaining life long friendships, but realizing everything she had taught the last 20+ years would not even be necessary if this form of breathwork had been availble to the many first.
Susan has embedded breathwork into classrooms, organizations, trainings and individuals for this last year and the feedback is beautiful.
Registration, waiver and payment required.
Join the many who are finding some calm in uncertain times.
What to expect in a "full session":
We will begin with a description of what to expect (below), a gentle grounding meditation, our breathwork session and end with an invitation to share what was noticed, which some enjoy sharing, some do not and either are fully respected.
Every participant is required to read and sign the waiver, please bring a mat, blanket, pillow, whatever is most comfortable for you, water as well. I cooler months a blanket to cover you is needed.
The breathwork session will begin approximately 10-15 minutes after the advertised start and no additional entry will be accepted at that time.
What is somatic breath work?
Breathwork is an inward journey which integrates mind and body through simply, breathing. Our bodies and our brains are frequently out of alignment, this practice brings so many positive outcomes due to us simply being far too stressed.
We will have four parts where we will do deep diaphragm breathing, open mouth and then switch to gentler deep breaths through our nose, with breath holds in between.
All will be guided, music incorporated throughout and the entire session will be just under two hours.
One of the best ways to decide if this form of trauma aware breathwork is good for you is to read what others have said. Below are the sometimes kind, sometimes raw but always authentic words from many who have experienced my group breathwork sessions this last year.
I hope you decide to join me, my story includes..
In the fall of 2023 when I first experienced this form of breathwork and went through the certification program, below is what I said...
“I have spent 20+ years teaching educators, organizations, families about our stress response system, our nervous system, how our lived experiences impact the relationship with self and others and how what we bring to the table creates our systems of behavior and communication.
This form of breathwork is what everyone needs, first.
If this was made available for all, the need for what I have been doing the last 20 years would not exist,
let’s get there!”
~Susan Jones
Testimonials below, please read waiver carefully.
WAIVER, please read before purchasing.
This is a required document to be signed on the date of our session, waivers will be provided in person.
I acknowledge that Somatic Release Breathwork™ is a deep and powerful process. I have notified the practitioners of any physical injuries, mental or psychological conditions I have. I engage in this experience willingly and take full responsibility for my own physical, mental and emotional experiences during and after the session.
Somatic Release Breathwork™ is intended as a personal growth experience and should not be looked upon as a substitute for psychotherapy. It is not appropriate for pregnant women, for persons with cardiovascular problems, including angina or heart attack, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, history of seizures, stroke, major psychiatric conditions, recent surgery, acute infectious illness or epilepsy. If you have any doubt about whether you should participate, please consult with your primary care physician. Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler and consult with their primary care physician.
I hereby release and hold harmless Susan Jones and Creative Behavior Systems from any and all results that arise during or from the Somatic Release Breath-work. I waive all rights under law regarding the same. I or my representative(s) agree to full release and hold Susan Jones and Creative Behavior Systems harmless from and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with my session(s).
Attestation of good health
I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the above information and attest that my general health is good to participate .
Participant’s Printed Name: _____________________________
Participant’s Signature: __________________________________ Date: __________________
Thank you,
Susan Jones
Creative Behavior Systems

Event Venue & Nearby Stays
1425 24th St, 1425 24th Street, Sacramento, United States
USD 55.00