We are living in a divided nation in the USA and in countries outside the USA. We are divided by politics, left, right, gender, race and in many other areas.
This event/class will assist you with a starting point in the area of 3 relationships. It is a class designed to assist you to reflect on your life. It will assist you to make changes in your life where necessary.
- Our Relationship with Jesus Christ as leaders
- Caring for one another in community.
- The Heartbeat of Jesus Reaching Others.
Although this mini class is for Christian leaders anyone is welcome to join our class. This class is a little over 90 minutes in length.
If you are an offline notetaker bring your notebook and bible or if you prefer, use an online bible and note app.
Find a quiet place to join the class. Remove all distractions.
I enjoy hearing from you! After completing the class send me a message with your comments or questions.
Event Venue