Are you interested in becoming a real estate agent? Look no further than the Metro Brokers Academy
About this Event
Earn your real estate license!
Are you interested in becoming a real estate agent? Look no further than the Metro Brokers Academy of Real Estate.
To receive a Georgia real estate license, you must successfully complete a 75-hour salesperson's pre-license course, pass a state exam with a score of 72% or higher, and be 18 years or older, and a high school graduate or GED equivalent.
Our leading educators will provide you with the required in-class hours as well as prepare you for the state exam, so that you can receive your real estate license easily and quickly.
Class Days/Time
Classes are held on Evenings from 6PM to 10PM - Via ZOOM
You will be required to:
ZOOM Class Requirements
• Use your First and Last Name (No Nick-Names)
• You MUST have your camera/video on the entire class; No Auditing/Listening only
• Arrive On-Time – ZOOM records login/logouts
• Break ONLY at Approved Times
• You MUST be stationary – NO moving, working, driving, passenger in a moving vehicle, biking, walking, cooking, cleaning, babysitting, etc.
• Treat this class as if you showed-up in physical classroom
Class dates: Space is Limited - Register Now!
May 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15 ,20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29 June 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18 (Rachelle Bassey)
Cram course - Saturday & Sunday: 9AM to 4:30PM each day
June 21st & 22nd
*breaks & Lunch do not count as instruction time
($70 fee, highly recommended & this is where you will Make-up Time Missed - GREC rules apply)
Final Exam: You have a Choice:
1. Live/in-person Final Exam at the Corporate Office on a Friday; offered the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month
2. Virtual Exam - you get your own proctor (disinterested third party, no family, no agent) to watch you take your exam on your own computer, date and time of your choice. Prerequisites & requirements subject to approval by School
The cost of the Prelicense class is $449; including book. Book maybe arranged to be picked-up at Corporate Office prior to class. or shipped for a fee.
During the course, attendees will be offered a highly recommended cram course for $70 to prepare for the final exam. Registration is required.
Refund Policy
No refunds will be issued once the class has started, failure to show for the first day (First Day is Mandatory), and/or a student has attended any class session.
Metro Brokers Academy will retain a $35 administrative fee and a $55 book charge (if student received textbook in advance) for any refund paid prior to attending the first class of the course.
Books are not returnable or refundable.
Salesperson Real Estate License Requirements
To qualify for a Salesperson's Real Estate License in Georgia, an applicant must:
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- Be a high school graduate or the holder of a GED certificate of equivalency.
- Successfully complete a Commission-approved Salesperson Prelicense Course of at least 75 hours and achieve a score of 72% on the school final exam.
- Pass a Commission-approved state examination with a score of 72%.
- Obtain a GCIC report (criminal background check) through a local police department. Obtain report no more than 60 days prior to picking up license.
- Complete the Lawful Presence Verification form
Important Note
You will be required to complete a Georgia Real Estate Examination Registration form upon registering for class that includes the following question:
Have you ever been convicted of, pled nolo contendere to, or been granted first offender treatment upon being charged with: (1) any criminal offense other than a traffic violation or (2) any traffic violation that involved driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, homicide or feticide by vehicle, fleeing the scene of an accident, attempting to elude a police officer or impersonation of a law enforcement official?
If you answer “YES” to this question, you will be required to file with the Georgia Real Estate Commission Investigations Section an Application for Person with Prior Criminal Conviction(s) or Disciplinary Sanction(s) prior to obtaining a license. This is a GREC requirement.
Notice:: Metro Brokers Academy of Real Estate reserves the right to cancel course prior to the First Day of class. Should a course be canceled by Metro Brokers Academy of Real Estate, students shall receive a 100% tuition refund or may elect to attend another scheduled pre-license course - to be taken within one (1) year of the original start date.
Class Dates, Times and Instructors are subject to change prior to the start of class.
For more information, contact the Metro Brokers Academy at 404.836.4040.
View all Atlanta Real Estate Events and Classes
Event Venue
USD 375.32 to USD 428.67