About this Event
About This Event
Join us for a comprehensive Compliance Seminar conducted via Zoom on the scheduled date and time. Please note that in order to receive certification, your camera must be on throughout the seminar.
Next Steps:
- Register with Your Shipping Address: Ensure you register with the address where you would like to receive your training materials. These materials are essential for the seminar.
- Test Your Zoom Setup: Confirm your ability to use Zoom by visiting Zoom Test.
- Email Confirmation: You will receive an email with all necessary information one week before the seminar. Please ensure your email address is correct.
Schedule for the Day:
Instructor: Robert Keegan
7:50 AM - 8:00 AM: Attendance and troubleshooting.
Hours 1-2:
- Introduction
- Classification and Identification of DOT Hazardous Materials
- OSHA Substances and EPA Wastes
- Primary and Subsidiary Hazard Classes
- Packing Groups
- Use of the DOT 49 CFR 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table
Hours 3-4:
- Packaging Requirements
- “Appendix A” Reportable Quantities
- “Appendix B” Marine Pollutants and Special Provisions
- Shipping Papers and Waste Manifests
- Marking, Labeling, and Placarding
Hours 5-8:
Emergency Response Information
Training and Security
OSHA First Responder Awareness Level
EPA Hazardous Waste Identification and Management for Very Small Quantity Generators, Small Quantity Generators, and Large Quantity Generators
Notification Requirements and Episodic Events
- Coffee Break: 10:00 AM
- Lunch: 12:00 PM
We look forward to your participation and a productive seminar experience.

Including the OSHA and DOT International Harmonization Requirements
Mandatory Training Requirements: Federal law mandates that any individual engaged in activities involving hazardous materials, substances, chemicals, and waste must successfully complete an annual or triennial training and testing program. This seminar is designed to meet these requirements and ensure compliance with Federal regulations.
Understanding the "Critical Interface" Problem: Compliance can be more easily understood when the "INTERFACE" between different regulations is clearly outlined. For instance:
- When a hazardous material is in transportation, it falls under the DOT Regulations in 49 CFR.
- When used within a plant, it is governed by the OSHA Regulations in 29 CFR.
- When it becomes waste and is discarded, it is subject to joint DOT/EPA/OSHA Regulations in 49/40/29 CFRs.
If, at any point, a hazardous material is released or discharged into the environment in a Reportable Quantity (RQ) and is not recovered, it becomes a Hazardous Substance. This triggers reporting responsibilities under the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, and SARA/Title III. Understanding these interfaces is a key objective of this seminar.
Training Requirements:
Transportation – HAZMAT Employees:
- U.S. & State Departments of Transportation (Section 172.700, 49 CFR): State and Federal DOT regulations require each shipper, generator, carrier, and transporter to instruct and test all relevant personnel on applicable hazardous materials regulations every three years.
Environment – Hazardous Waste Generators:
- U.S. & State Environmental Protection Agencies (Part 262, 262.14, 262.25, 262.16, 262.17, and 265.16, 40 CFR): State and Federal EPA regulations require generators and owners/operators of TSD Facilities to ensure that all employees involved in hazardous waste activities complete an annual training program on applicable DOT, OSHA, and EPA regulations.
Worker Protection – Hazardous Substance & Chemical Workers:
- Occupational Safety & Health Administration (Sections 1910.120, 1910.1200, 29 CFR): This seminar includes the First Responder Awareness level certification for hazmat employees, ensuring they are prepared in the event of a hazardous substance release. Annual training is essential to protect employees exposed to hazardous chemicals and substances in the workplace.
Who Should Attend?
- Managers and company personnel responsible for compliance with DOT/EPA/OSHA regulations for hazardous materials, substances, chemicals, or waste.
- Managers and company personnel who instruct others on applicable DOT/EPA/OSHA regulations.
- Company hazmat and waste employees who require initial or annual update training.
This seminar is crucial for ensuring your team meets all regulatory requirements and maintains a safe, compliant operation.
Why Should I Attend THIS SEMINAR?
Transportation Skills Programs (TSP) specializes in meeting the training requirements of DOT, EPA, and OSHA. By attending this seminar, you will not only receive the necessary training to comply with these regulations but also the essential materials to ensure your training is successful and complete.
Our Commitment to Your Ongoing Compliance: Our dedication to your compliance needs extends beyond the seminar. Through our affiliation with Hazardous Materials Publishing Company, we provide continuous support to help you maintain compliance with all regulatory requirements.
Every Compliance Attendee Will Receive Our Hazmat Compliance Kit, Which Includes:
2024/2025 Hazardous Materials, Substance & Wastes Compliance Guide
Training and Testing Certificates for:
- Hazardous Materials, Wastes, and Substances
- Department of Transportation Hazardous Material Training and Testing Records
- Environmental Protection Agency Hazardous Waste Generator Training Records
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration First Responder Training Records
Guides and Checklists:
- The 5 Steps to DOT, EPA, and OSHA Compliance
- How to Use the Hazardous Material Regulations
- How to Use the Federal Register
- Index and Glossary for DOT Hazardous Materials, EPA Wastes, and OSHA Substances
- Downloadable NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
- Integrated Contingency Plan under DOT, EPA
- The RCRA Inspection Manual
- The Emergency and Contingency Plan
- Shippers Pre-Inspection Checklist
- Shippers Checklist
- Drivers Checklist
Why Choose TSP? Our seminars provide comprehensive training tailored to meet the exact requirements of DOT, EPA, and OSHA. The resources and support you receive will equip you with the knowledge and tools to ensure ongoing compliance, enhancing safety and efficiency in your operations.
Join us to stay ahead in compliance and safety, ensuring your team is fully prepared to meet all regulatory challenges.

Note: These seminars are held on the same day. You can attend either one, but not both.
Training Requirements: HAZMAT employers are required to successfully train all HAZMAT employees on "General Awareness and Familiarization, Function-Specific, Safety, and Security Awareness" as outlined in Section 172.700 of 49 CFR under DOT regulations. Additionally, training is required under EPA's "Generator's Hazardous Waste Management Standard" in Sections 262.14, 262.15, 262.16, 262.17, and 265.16 of 40 CFR, and OSHA's "First Responder Awareness Level" in Section 1910.120(q) of 29 CFR.
About the Seminar: After completing the Hazardous Materials & Waste seminar, participants who register for the “Train-the-Trainer” seminar will learn the most effective, successful, and cost-efficient methods and receive specific training manuals and aids to meet state and federal training and testing requirements.
Key Points to Remember:
- Each HAZMAT employee must be trained on Hazardous Materials & Waste Hazard Communication Standards. Failure to meet these requirements results in a violation of the law.
- This program enables HAZMAT employers or their designated personnel to meet mandatory training requirements quickly, effectively, and successfully.
- Each HAZMAT employee must also be tested on their understanding and knowledge of DOT Hazard Communication Standards applicable to their function, in addition to General Awareness/Familiarization, Safety, and Security Awareness Training.
Every Full Train-The-Trainer Attendee Will Receive:
10 Copies of the 2024/2025 Compliance Guide & Emergency Response Guidebook (2,000 Pages)
- Train the Trainer Certificate
- Compliance Certificate
Guides and Checklists:
- Guide to Developing a DOT Hazardous Material Training Plan
- Blank Test & Training Certificate
- DOT Training Records and Checklists
- EPA Training Records and Checklists
- OSHA Training Records and Checklists
- Overview of Examples for Print or Presentations
- Printable and Online Train the Trainer Training and Testing Booklets:
- Classification and Identification of Hazardous Materials and Wastes
- Hazardous Materials and Wastes Shipping Papers and Waste Manifests
- Hazardous Materials and Wastes Markings and Labeling Containers
- Hazardous Materials and Wastes Placarding
- Hazardous Material and Wastes Packaging
- Each booklet includes a short test and blank certificates to be completed by the student and instructor.
Additional Compliance Seminar Materials:
- Hazardous Materials, Wastes, and Substances Training and Testing Certificate
- Department of Transportation Hazardous Material Training and Testing Records
- Environmental Protection Agency Hazardous Waste Generator Training Records
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration First Responder Training Records
- The 5 Steps to DOT, EPA, and OSHA Compliance
- How to Use the Hazardous Material Regulations
- How to Use the Federal Register
- Index and Glossary for DOT Hazardous Materials, EPA Wastes, and OSHA Substances
- Integrated Contingency Plan under DOT and EPA
- The RCRA Inspection Manual
- The Emergency and Contingency Plan
- Shippers Pre-Inspection Checklist
- Shippers Checklist
- Drivers Checklist
Why Attend? This seminar equips you with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively train your team, ensuring full compliance with DOT, EPA, and OSHA regulations. The comprehensive resources provided will aid in ongoing training and compliance efforts, enhancing the safety and efficiency of your operations.
How can I contact the organizer with any questions? You can reach out to us at [email protected].
What’s the refund policy? You may receive a full refund up to 7 days prior to the event. After this period, we will only offer a credit to attend a seminar within the same seminar year as your original registration, not a full refund.
Where can I read more about the Train-The-Trainer seminars in depth? For more detailed information about the Train-The-Trainer seminars, please visit our website at www.hazmat-tsp.com.
Event Venue
USD 487.37 to USD 1815.87