Make stunning quilt that is easier than it looks with Judy Niemeyer's unique system.Join us for a day to learn Judy's well organized approach with Ginny, that will change the way you think about Foundation Paper Piecing. Quilters with minimal experience can create stunning, complex quilts.
Kit is strongly encouraged for a successful class. Kit includes pattern and pre-cut/organized fabrics in your choice of three color ways - Green/blue, Rainbow & Autumn (colors and/or fabric patterns could vary depending on availability but will be kitted as close as possible to images shown).
Kit Fee: $123.25 (includes 10% guild discount) payable to Ginny
Members: $45
Guests: $55
To sign up, email [email protected] or online by using the link below:
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
695 Mac Elroy Rd, Ballston Lake, NY 12019-2201, United States