Ples opolnomočenja - The 360 Emergence z Beatrice Kraus

Fri Jan 17 2025 at 06:00 pm to 08:30 pm UTC+01:00

Umetniška gimnazija Svšgugl | Ljubljana

Ples opolnomo\u010denja - The 360 Emergence z Beatrice Kraus
--- Please scroll down for the English version ---
The 360 Emergence je utelešna, svobodna, duhovno usmerjena gibalna praksa, ki jo motivira etika skrbi in pravičnosti ter ki predstavlja most med plesom in osebno rastjo, med neizprosnostjo in svobodo, individualnostjo in globalno skupnostjo. The 360 Emergence ponuja gibalni zemljevid za pot odkrivanja, zdravljenja in uresničitve. Ustvarjamo skupnost skupnosti, ki povezujejo lokalno utelešeno prakso z globalnim gibanjem utelešenosti.
Smo umetniki evolucijskega gibanja v službi porajanja vsake osebe, ki pride na naše laboratorije. Skrbimo za zvočno gibalna potovanja in prostore, kjer se vedno spreminjajoči človek stke v odgovornega in pretočnega, ki je sposoben voditi in je poln uvidov. Smo prežeti s plesom, obredi, literaturo, modo, gledališčem, močjo in humorjem.
Smo srčni aktivisti, ki oživljamo naše notranje učenje starodavne prihodnosti. Telo je naša bajalica, glasba naš zaveznik, tišina naš vodnik. V tem času razdrobljenosti in preobremenitve z informacijami se izklopimo z interneta in se priklopimo na omrežje, ki deluje.
The 360 prebuja svojih 10.000 oči, ki vidijo z vsakega zornega kota, za pot po svetovih med običajno in neobičajno resničnostjo.
Vabimo vas, da se pridružite temu gibanju.
Beatrice Kraus, dinamična voditeljica na področju zdravljenja in samoodkrivanja, črpa iz raznolikega ozadja v gledališču, kitajski medicini in delu s travmo. Z več kot desetletnimi izkušnjami vodi skozi preobrazbo z glasbo in gibanjem, s čimer posameznikom omogoča, da odkrijejo svoj neomejen potencial. S certifikatoma iz praks Open Floor in The 360 Emergence Beatrice ponuja poglobljene odmike in tedenske tečaje po vsej Evropi. Ustvarja prostore, kjer je ranljivost cenjena kot moč, udeležence pa vodi v raziskovanje čustev, ki temelji na sočutju in je povzdignjeno s preobrazbeno močjo glasbe.
Za glasbeni navdih si zavrtite katerega od mixov iz njenega profila Souncloud:
Petek, 17. januar, 18.00 - 20.30
Plesni in gledališki center SVŠGUGL, Kardeljeva ploščad 28a, Ljubljana,
v navigacijo vnesite Dimičeva ulica 9
20 € za zgodnjo prijavo s plačilom do četrtka 16. januarja
25 € na dan dogodka
angleščina z možnostjo prevoda v slovenščino v kolikor bo potrebno
Mirjam na [email protected] ali 031 230 907
V slučaju odpovedi delavnice, obvestimo le prijavljene.
Posredujte prijateljem in jih povabite, da se vam pridružijo na plesišču.
The 360 Emergence is an embodiment, free-form, spirit-driven movement practice -motivated by an ethic of care and justice that bridges dance and personal growth, rigor and freedom, individuality and the global collective. The 360 Emergence offers a movement map that is a journey of discovery, healing,and actualization. We create a community of communities that connect local embodied practice to a global embodiment movement.
We are evolutionary movement artists in service to the emergence of each person who shows up in our laboratories. We curate sonic movement journeys and containers that weave the ever changing human into becoming accountable and fluid, leader-full and in-sight full. We are steeped in dance, ceremony, literature, fashion, theater, strength, and humor.
We are heart activists animating our inside education of the ancient future. The body is our divining rod, music our ally, silence our guide. In this time of fragmentation, information overload, sets unplug from the network and plug into the net that works.
The 360 awakens its 10,000 eyes to see from every perspective, to walk the worlds between ordinary and nonordinary reality.
We invite you to join this movement.
Beatrice Kraus, a vibrant leader in healing and self-discovery, drawing from a diverse background in theater, Chinese medicine & Trauma work. With over a decade of experience, she curates transformative experiences through music and movement, empowering individuals to unlock their boundless potential. Certified in Open Floor and The 360 Emergence, Beatrice offers immersive retreats, and weekly courses across Europe. She creates spaces where vulnerability is celebrated as a strength, guiding participants on a soulful exploration grounded in compassion and elevated by the transformative force of music.
For musical inspiration, spin one of the mixes from her Souncloud profile:
Friday, January 17th, 6.00 - 8.30 pm
Dance and theater center SVŠGUGL, Kardeljeva ploščad 28a, Ljubljana
enter Dimičeva ulica 9 in the navigation
20 € for early registration with payment untill Thursday, January 16th
25 € on the day of the event
English translated into Slovene if needed
Mirjam Fras at [email protected] or +386 31 230 907
In case of cancellation of the workshop, we only inform those who have registered.
Forward to friends and invite them to join you on the dance floor.

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Umetniška gimnazija Svšgugl, Kardeljeva ploščad 28A, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, Slovenia


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