About this Event
Pripravite se na večer, ko se boste potopili v svet sodobnega jazza, kjer melodije postanejo filmska slika, ritmi pa srčni utrip. Stefano Rocco Quartet, štirje virtuozi, ki črpajo navdih iz legend, kot so Pat Metheny Group, Chick Corea in Michael Brecker, bodo na Prulčkovem odru predstavili svojo edinstveno glasbeno vizijo.
Njihove melodije so kot zgodbe, ki se razvijajo in razpletajo, polne presenetljivih obratov in čustvenih odtenkov. Ritmi so živahni in plesni, a hkrati nežni in introspektivni, ustvarjajoč atmosfero, ki vas bo očarala in popeljala v svet sanj.
Stefano Rocco Quartet je skupina strastnih ustvarjalcev, ki verjamejo v moč avtorske glasbe. Njihove skladbe so rezultat poglobljenega raziskovanja, ki presega meje žanrov in ustvarjajo edinstven zvočni podpis.
Če ste ljubitelj sodobnega jazza, filmske glasbe ali improvizacije, potem je ta koncert za vas. Število vstopnic je omejeno, ne zamudite!
- Stefano Rocco – kitara, skladbe
- Luca Colussi – bobni
- Giulio Scaramella – klavir
- Alessio Zoratto – kontrabas
Get ready for an evening immersed in the world of contemporary jazz, where melodies become cinematic scenes and rhythms the heartbeat. The Stefano Rocco Quartet, four virtuosos inspired by legends like Pat Metheny Group, Chick Corea, and Michael Brecker, will present their unique musical vision on the Prulček stage.
Their melodies unfold like stories, full of surprising twists and emotional shades. The rhythms are lively and danceable, yet gentle and introspective, creating an atmosphere that will enchant and transport you to a dreamlike world.
The Stefano Rocco Quartet is a group of passionate creators who believe in the power of original music. Their compositions are the result of deep exploration that transcends genre boundaries, creating a unique sonic signature.
If you are a fan of contemporary jazz, film music, or improvisation, this concert is for you. Tickets are limited, so don't miss out!
- Stefano Rocco – guitar, compositions
- Luca Colussi – drums
- Giulio Scaramella – piano
- Alessio Zoratto – double bass
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Prulček - live music venue, 2 Prijateljeva ulica, Ljubljana, Slovenia
EUR 0.00