Partnerships in focus: leadership and equality

Fri Jun 28 2024 at 03:00 pm to 05:00 pm

Council Chamber | Cardiff

Hub Cymru Africa
Publisher/HostHub Cymru Africa
Partnerships in focus: leadership and equality
Dolen Cymru Lesotho and partners visiting from Lesotho will share their experiences of working towards equitable and sustainable partnership
About this Event

In this event, we will welcome two inspiring women leaders visiting from Lesotho to join their Wales-based colleagues in sharing experiences of working to ‘shift the power’ towards more equal leadership of Dolen Cymru Lesotho and increased decision making in Lesotho. While their experiences are grounded in Lesotho, there are important lessons for everyone involved in linking and global solidarity work.

If you would like to network with other Wales Africa charities or community groups, join us early at 2pm for pre-event Fairtrade tea/coffee or stay on, between 5pm and 7pm for post-event networking.

For this in-person event, we will welcome and their partners visiting from Lesotho, to share their experiences of working towards equitable and sustainable partnerships:

  • Amelia Senekane, CEO, Heal Our Land Organisation, Lesotho
  • Joanna Jonas, Chair of Trustees, Dolen Cymru Lesotho, based in Lesotho,
  • Cath Moulogo, Co-Executive Director, Dolen Cymru Lesotho, based in Wales
  • Sharon Flint Wood, Co-Executive Director, Dolen Cymru Lesotho, based in Wales.

The panel will share their experiences of working to ‘shift the power’ towards more equal leadership of Dolen and increased decision making in Lesotho, and taking steps to make their partnerships sustainable.

Please come along at 2pm to see your colleagues and make new connections, before the programme begins at 3pm. We will also have refreshments after the event to continue opportunities for socialising until 7pm.

There will be opportunities to ask questions and to share your own experiences of working in Partnership.

Partneriaethau mewn ffocws - Arweinyddiaeth a chydraddoldeb

Yn y digwyddiad hon, byddwn yn croesawu dwy arweinydd benywaidd anhygoel yn ymweld o Lesotho i ymuno â'u cydweithwyr o Gymru i rannu profiadau o weithio i 'newid y pŵer' tuag at sicrhau bod arweinyddiaeth yn cael ei ddosbarthu’n fwy cyfartal rhwng Dolen a Lesotho. Er bod eu profiad wedi'i seilio yn Lesotho, mae gwersi pwysig i bawb sy'n ymwneud â chysylltu a gwaith undod byd-eang.

Os hoffech rwydweithio gydag elusennau neu grwpiau cymunedol eraill Cymru Affrica, ymunwch â ni yn gynnar am 2pm ar gyfer te/coffi Masnach Deg cyn y digwyddiad, neu arhoswch ymlaen rhwng 5pm a 7pm i rwydweithio ar ôl y digwyddiad.

Ar gyfer y digwyddiad mewn person hwn, byddwn yn croesawu Dolen Cymru Lesotho a'u partneriaid sy'n ymweld o Lesotho, i rannu eu profiadau o weithio tuag at greu partneriaethau teg a chynaliadwy:

  • Amelia Senekane, Prif Swyddog Gweithredol, Heal Our Land Organisation, Lesotho
  • Joanna Jonas, Cadeirydd yr Ymddiriedolwyr, Dolen Cymru Lesotho, yn Lesotho,
  • Cath Moulogo, Cyfarwyddwr Cydweithredol, Dolen Cymru Lesotho, sydd wedi'i lleoli yng Nghymru
  • Sharon Flint Wood, Cyfarwyddwr Cydweithredol, Dolen Cymru Lesotho, sydd wedi'i lleoli yng Nghymru.

Bydd y panel yn rhannu eu profiadau o weithio i 'newid y pŵer' tuag at sicrhau bod arweinyddiaeth yn cael ei ddosbarthu’n gyfartal rhwng Dolen a Lesotho, ac yn cymryd camau i wneud eu partneriaethau'n gynaliadwy.

Dewch draw am 2pm i weld eich cydweithwyr a gwneud cysylltiadau newydd, cyn i'r rhaglen ddechrau am 3pm. Byddwn yn cael lluniaeth ar ôl y digwyddiad hefyd, i barhau â chyfleoedd i gymdeithasu tan 7pm.

Bydd cyfleoedd i ofyn cwestiynau a rhannu eich profiadau eich hun o weithio mewn Partneriaeth.



Adv. Joanna Jonas has been Chair of Trustees for Dolen Cymru Lesotho since November 2023. She is the Co-founding Director of Nairasha Legal Support, a social enterprise in Lesotho whose work is centred around women empowerment and advancement of women and children’s human rights. She is passionate activist and advocate against sexual and gender-based violence with a track record availing her knowledge and skills to assist victims and survivors of sexual and gender-based violence with access to justice and psychosocial support. As a Legal Practitioner, Adv. Jonas continues to ensure access to justice by everyone regardless of economic status by offering low bono legal services and court representation to particularly small-scale women entrepreneurs and women faced with financial struggles.

Adv. Jonas was introduced to Dolen Cymru Wales-Lesotho link in 2020 and in 2022 she spearheaded a project aimed at women empowerment that was funded by Dolen Cymru.


Amelia is the Founding director of Heal Our Land Organisation (HOLO) in the Matsieng region in Lesotho since 2019 to date. Through her expertise and hard work, HOLO is collaborating with national and international organisations. Amelia is a community activist advocating for peace, education, mental health in her region. Amelia worked in organisations like The Hub and Karabo Ea Bophelo facilitating, coordinating and reporting. Amelia works with international organisations like Dolen, Help Lesotho and British High Commission.


Sharon began her journey with Dolen in 2013 when she volunteered as Mentor on the Lesotho Teacher Placement Programme.

After returning to Lesotho to co-lead the award winning Lesotho Literacy Leap programme in 2014 and work with Lesotho College of Education as part of the International Learning Opportunities programme she decided to change her career direction and join the Global Solidarity sector. She left her Art & Design teaching career behind and has led Dolen’s education programmes for the past 7 years. She has joined Cath as Co-Executive Director in 2023


Cath worked for Dolen between 2017 and 2021 on both Education and WASH projects, before re-joining Dolen as Co-Executive Director with Sharon in 2023.

With over fifteen years experience of working and volunteering in the third sector in Wales and internationally, Cath was formerly a Development Support Manager at Hub Cymru Africa and is passionate about Wales’ role in Global Solidarity. She is also a Trustee for C3SC where she is Co-Chair of the Equalities Committee.



Mae’r Adv. Joanna Jonas wedi bod yn Gadeirydd Ymddiriedolwyr Dolen Cymru Lesotho ers mis Tachwedd 2023. Hi yw Cyfarwyddwr Cyd-sefydlu Nairasha Legal Support, menter gymdeithasol yn Lesotho sydd yn canolbwyntio ar rymuso a hyrwyddo hawliau dynol menywod a phlant. Mae hi'n ymgyrchydd angerddol ac yn eiriol yn erbyn trais rhywiol a thrais ar sail rhywedd, gyda hanes o ddefnyddio ei gwybodaeth a'i sgiliau i gynorthwyo dioddefwyr a goroeswyr trais rhywiol a thrais ar sail rhywedd gyda mynediad at gyfiawnder a chymorth seicogymdeithasol. Fel Ymarferydd Cyfreithiol, mae Adv. Jonas yn parhau i sicrhau mynediad at gyfiawnder gan bawb, waeth beth fo'u statws economaidd, trwy gynnig gwasanaethau cyfreithiol bono isel a chynrychiolaeth llys i entrepreneuriaid benywaidd sy’n rhedeg busnesau bach, sy'n wynebu brwydrau ariannol.

Cyflwynwyd Adv. Jonas i gyswllt Dolen Cymru Wales-Lesotho yn 2020 ac yn 2022, bu'n arwain prosiect wedi'i anelu at rymuso menywod a ariannwyd gan Dolen Cymru


Amelia yw Cyfarwyddwr Sefydlu Heal Our Land Organisation (HOLO) yn rhanbarth Matsieng yn Lesotho ers 2019. Trwy ei harbenigedd a'i gwaith caled, mae HOLO yn cydweithio â sefydliadau cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol. Mae Amelia yn actifydd cymunedol sy'n eiriol dros heddwch, addysg ac iechyd meddwl yn ei rhanbarth. Gweithiodd Amelia mewn sefydliadau fel The Hub a Karabo Ea Bophelo, gan hwyluso, cydlynu ac adrodd. Mae Amelia yn gweithio gyda sefydliadau rhyngwladol fel Dolen, Help Lesotho ac Uchel Gomisiwn Prydain.


Dechreuodd Sharon ei thaith gyda Dolen yn 2013, pan wirfoddolodd fel Mentor ar Raglen Lleoli Athrawon Lesotho.

Ar ôl dychwelyd i Lesotho i gyd-arwain y rhaglen Lesotho Literacy Leap arobryn yn 2014 a gweithio gyda Choleg Addysg Lesotho fel rhan o'r rhaglen Cyfleoedd Dysgu Rhyngwladol, penderfynodd newid cyfeiriad ei gyrfa ac ymuno â'r sector Undod Byd-eang. Gadawodd ei gyrfa addysgu Celf a Dylunio ar ôl, ac mae hi wedi arwain rhaglenni addysg Dolen am y 7 mlynedd diwethaf. Mae hi wedi ymuno â Cath fel Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredol yn 2023.


Gweithiodd Cath i Dolen rhwng 2017 a 2021 ar brosiectau Addysg a WASH, cyn ail-ymuno â Dolen fel Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredol gyda Sharon yn 2023.

Gyda mwy na phymtheg mlynedd o brofiad o weithio a gwirfoddoli yn y trydydd sector yng Nghymru ac yn rhyngwladol, cyn hynny, roedd Cath yn Rheolwr Cymorth Datblygu yn Hub Cymru Africa, ac mae hi’n angerddol am rôl Cymru ym maes Undod Byd-eang. Mae hi hefyd yn Ymddiriedolwr ar gyfer C3SC lle mae hi’n Gyd-gadeirydd y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb.


Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Council Chamber, Temple of Peace, Cardiff, United Kingdom


GBP 0.00

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