An overview of Stammering, what it is, how it impacts individuals and explore strategies and how best to support children in the setting.This workshop provides an overview of Stammering, what it is and how it impacts
individuals. We will discuss the different features of Stammering and how they present. We will explore the Multi-factorial Model (2008) and The Palin Model of Stammering (2019) and how psychological and environmental factors have an impact on Stammering. We will also explore strategies and how best to support children in the setting.
Why you should…
Stammering is a speech disorder characterised by involuntary repetitions or prolongations of sounds, syllables or words, or by involuntary hesitation or pauses that disrupt the rhythmic flow of speech World Health Organisation, 2001. If you have a child or young person in your setting who stammers and you do not have knowledge about stammering or are unsure of how best to support the child or young person this overview of stammering course will provide you with an understanding of stammering and how best to support the child.
Without adequate support, children can have negative experiences at school which can impact on the child/young person’s self-esteem and communication and interaction skills. If not fully supported a young person who stammers may be reluctant to speak.
Who is this for?
Our training courses are perfect for education and childcare professionals, such as teachers, teaching assistants, and SENCO’s. The course is also suitable for speech and language therapists and student SLTs.
What you will learn
-Understanding of stammering
-Different characteristics of Stammering
-How to support a child or young person who stammers
-Overview of therapy in-clinic sessions
-Where to access further support (websites etc)
Event Venue
GBP 47.48