Would you like to perform one of your own songs or a great cover? Or do you feel like performing a dance battle? Or maybe you are finally ready to share your poems on stage. Then you are in luck! We are happy to invite you to another Open Stage Night at The 5th in Amsterdam Oost.
When & where:
- 8th of February 8 PM at café The 5th - located in StayOkay Amsterdam Oost
- If you want to perform be sure to sign up at www.openstageamsterdam.nl
We have two microphones a keyboard and a guitar amp to support your performance.
For all the musicians playing that night we have some free drinks. For everyone else there will be loads of good performances!
Hosted by Matthijs Alderliefste & David Davis
Event Venue
The 5th @ Stayokay, Timorplein, Amsterdam, Netherlands
EUR 0.00