Part 1: Tuesday 11th March (14:00-15:30)
Part 2: Tuesday 25th March (14:00-15:30)
About this Event
Leadership in Safeguarding
Part 1: Tuesday 11th March (14:00-15:30)
Part 2: Tuesday 25th March (14:00-15:30)
Attendance at both sessions is neccessary to complete the course. There is also a course booklet to complete and submit before attendance at the first session.
Please ensure that the email address of your Eventbrite account is one you wish to receive communications regarding the programme to.
Safeguarding training such as this can impact participants in a variety of ways. If you feel at all uncomfortable about any aspect of this training plese get in touch with our Safeguarding Advisers before you attend the course. Thir contact details can be found at: https://southwark.anglican.org/safeguarding/contact-the-team/
This course is required for leaders in churches in the Diocese of Southwark, who have safeguarding leadership responsibilities or responsibility for leading activities involving children, young people and/or adults who may be vulnerable
Including but not limited to: Clergy, Readers, SPAs, Safeguarding officers, safeguarding lead on PCC, church wardens, youth and children’s pastors, Bishops visitors, Directors of Music, Bell Tower Captains, Home Visitors, Ordinands prior to leaving TEI, Safeguarding leads in religious communities, Choir leaders.
Learning objectives:
• Understand how safeguarding concerns and abuse can be prevented within their context.
• Understand how healthy culture, and safe and effective leadership, shape Christian communities that are healthy, safe, and have the capacity to deliver high quality safeguarding practices.
• Recognise when risk assessment and management processes are required, understanding when, why and how they must be utilised.
• Understand more of the impact that abuse and trauma have on individuals’ lives, relationships, and interactions in a community setting, leading to better responses to victims and survivors.
• Evaluate their learning and translate this into an individual plan of action that will improve their safeguarding practice and responses.
Please note: if you need to cancel your attendance please do inform us with as much notice as possible so the place can be offered to someone else.
Event Venue
GBP 0.00