One Found Worthy is a Christmas Musical created by Justin Rizzo and Firelight Creative Productions that incorporates soloists, choirs, dance, and the visual arts to share the Gospel. This one-hour and thirty-minute production, premiering LIVE on stage in Kansas City, Missouri this December, takes you on a Journey through the events of Jesus' first coming, as recounted by the Apostle John, culminating with the anticipation of His magnificent and triumphant return.
Our desire is this show would draw families together as they witness the matchless worth of Jesus, in this modern-day production, echoing Handel's Messiah.
Dec 13 Friday 7pm
Dec 14 Saturday 2pm
Dec 14 Saturday 7pm
FREE EVENT (Premiere VIP seats available for purchase)
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
LifeMission Church, 16105 Lone Elm Rd, Olathe, KS 66062-9236, United States,Olathe, Kansas