Järgmise aasta 6. veebruaril astub tunnustatud briti rokkbänd Nothing But Thieves üles Tallinnas Unibet Arena Blackboxis. Viimati said fännid nende muusikast Maarjamaal osa 2022. aastal, kuid nüüd äratab Nothing But Thieves siin ellu oma viimase kontseptsioonialbumi "Dead Club City". Eelmine klubikontsert müüdi välja väga kiirelt, nüüd on bänd tagasi, et mängida suuremale publikule.Nothing But Thieves on pälvinud ülemaailmse tunnustuse oma uuendusliku seguga hard rockist, mis segatud pop-knihvide ja pisikese souli-mekiga. Nende uusim album "Dead Club City" uurib kuulsuste kultuuri, sotsiaalset võõrandumist, isiklikke suhteid ja muid teemasid, mis kõik on asetatud fiktiivse linna taustale. Selliste hittidega nagu "Welcome to the DCC" ja "Tomorrow Is Closed" lubab bänd kontserti, mis on täis energiast pakatavaid etteasteid, kuid samas ka muusikat, mis on parajalt mõtlemapanev.
Bändi moodustavad Conor Mason (vokaal), Dom Craik (kitarr, produtsent), Joe Langridge-Brown (kitarr), Philip Blake (bass) ja James Price (trummid). Koos loovad nad heli, mis on nii värske kui ka tuttavlik, miksides kokku erinevate spektrite mõjutusi.
Esimene singel nende neljandalt albumilt, "Welcome to the DCC" on puusi nõksuma ja rusikaid tõstma panev, taevasse lennutav lugu. See on täiuslik eesriie, et reklaamida järgmiseid lugusid ja ideid. Mõtle: hard rock Daft Punk. Siis mõtle: ma parem panen oma tantsukingad jalga!
Tere tulemast Dead Club Citysse. Piletid 6. veebruaril 2025 Tallinnas, Unibet Arena Blackboxis toimuvale Nothing But Thievesi kontserdile tulevad Live Nationi kontsertklubi liikmetele müüki 10. juulil kell 12. Avalik müük algab 12. juulil kell 12 Piletilevi müügipunktides ja kodulehel.
On February 6 next year, the acclaimed British rock band Nothing But Thieves will perform at the Unibet Arena Blackbox in Tallinn. The last time fans were able to enjoy their music in Estonia was in 2022, but now Nothing But Thieves will bring their latest concept album Dead Club City to life here. The previous club gig sold out very quickly, and now the band are back to play to a bigger audience.
Nothing But Thieves has captured global attention with their innovative blend of hard rock, pop hooks, and soul flourishes. Their latest album, “Dead Club City”, explores themes of celebrity culture, social alienation, personal relationships, and more, all set against the backdrop of a fictional city. With hits like “Welcome to the DCC” and “Tomorrow Is Closed”, the band promises a show filled with high-energy performances and thought-provoking music.
The band’s lineup features Conor Mason's remarkable vocals, Dom Craik on guitar and production, Joe Langridge-Brown on guitar, Philip Blake on bass, and James Price on drums. Together, they create a sound that's both fresh and familiar, blending influences from across the musical spectrum.
First single from their fourth album, “Welcome to the DCC”, is hip-swinging, fist-punching, sky-scraping first song. An advertisement for the songs and ideas to come, it’s the perfect curtain-raiser. Think: hard rock Daft Punk. Then think: I better get my dancing boots on.
Welcome to Dead Club City. Tickets for Nothing But Thieves’ concert in Tallinn, Unibet Arena on February 6 2025 will be on presale for Live Nation concert members on July 10th 12 pm. Public sale will commence on July 12th at 12 pm on Piletilevi sales points and website.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Unibet Arena, Paldiski maantee 104b, Haabersti, Tallinn, 13522 Harju Maakond, Eesti,Tallinn, Estonia