NARUTO: The Symphonic Experience is a live concert that brings the beloved anime to life on a grand scale. This two-hour event features a film montage of iconic scenes from over 220 episodes, synchronized to a live orchestra performing Toshio Masuda's original score. Fans will relive Naruto Uzumaki's journey to become Hokage, facing rivalries, challenges, and growth along the way.The orchestra performs not only Masuda's unforgettable soundtrack but also the series' most famous openings and endings, inviting the audience to sing along with the music they love. This interactive element draws fans closer to Naruto, celebrating the powerful, shared bond the music creates.
This event is truly exclusive: the film and musical montage created for NARUTO: The Symphonic Experience can only be seen at these shows. Audiences will have a unique opportunity to sing, laugh, cheer, and feel the excitement of seeing their favorite characters on screen, experiencing the full range of emotions that Naruto inspires.
With Masuda's dynamic soundtrack, blending rock, pop, and traditional Japanese instruments like the Shakuhachi and Shamisen, the live music elevates each scene's impact, immersing the audience in Naruto's story.
Whether you're a devoted fan or new to the series, NARUTO: The Symphonic Experience offers an exclusive, unforgettable way to celebrate Naruto's epic journey and music in a truly one-of-a-kind setting.
Attendees Under 18: Children aged 5 and up with a ticket can attend performances at The Smith Center. All patrons must have their own ticket, regardless of age (no babies held in arms or children sitting on laps). Patrons aged 16 or older may attend the performance without an accompanying adult with their parent’s or guardian’s permission.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
361 Symphony Park Ave, Las Vegas, NV, United States, Nevada 89106