About this Event
The NAM Action Collaborative on Decarbonizing the U.S. Health Sector (Climate Collaborative), through its Health Care Delivery and Policy, Financing, and Metrics Working Groups, is hosting a Building Momentum to Act on Health Care Decarbonization webinar series this winter, focusing on sharing resources and building the momentum to act on health care decarbonization.
In this Incorporating Sustainable Food Practices webinar, Dr. Anne Utech (Department of Veterans Affairs), Dr. Reshma Gupta (UC Davis Health), and Diane Imrie (University of Vermont Health Network), joined by John Stoddard (Health Care Without Harm), will discuss health care decarbonization and sustainability best practices as it relates to emissions reductions from food services, including promoting locally sourced, plant-based menu items, implementing food waste reduction strategies, and reducing single-use packaging, among other related topics.
View the NAM event page here to learn more and sign up for our other webinars in the series.
Event Venue
USD 0.00