About this Event
“Staff Recruitment and Retention for “Family Child Care Providers,” supports
child care administrators in their efforts to strengthen systems of staff
recruitment and improve their ability to retain quality staff. This training
reinforces the belief that sound business practices improve the sustainability of
child care businesses. Strong and sustainable child care businesses can support
program initiatives aimed at improving outcomes for children.
Date: May 20, 2025
Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm
Location: Virtual
Trainer(s): Vonya Washington
Credit: 3 CHC
Cost: $15
Deadline to Register: 5/19/2025 @ noon
This event is designed to be an interactive experience and requires full participation including dialogue response and virtual tools during the slide presentation. Participants should choose electronic devices that allow them to see, hear and participate in the full event. Smart phone and tablet apps may be limited in their functionality and compatibility with this learning platform. Credit for the course will not be given to participants that are not actively participating. through the dialogue/chat boxes and interactive tools.
Technology needs required:
•Computer with internet connection
• Computer with audio/ability to watch & listen to a video online
• Keyboard/mouse (laptop with mouse pad)
• Telephone or computer with microphone and speakers
• Attendees can join Zoom from a Mac, PC, iPad, iPhone or Android device
Due to the limited number of tickets this event is for participants who either live or work in the following counties: Alleghany, Ashe, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, Wilkes or Yadkin counties.
Event Venue
USD 17.85