Na Oddelku za biologijo Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani mesečno organiziramo strokovne seminarje s širokega področja ekologije in evolucije. Serija seminarjev, poimenovana Ecology & Evolution Doctoral Seminar Series, je namenjena raziskovalcem in doktorskim študentom ter vsem ostalim, ki jih teme zanimajo. Seminarji potekajo v živo na Oddelku za biologijo in v angleškem jeziku. Vabimo vas na seminar z naslovom »Microbiotechnology for the Protection and Conservation of Subterranean Habitats in Bosnia and Herzegovina«. Predavala bo Prof. dr. Lada Lukić Bilela (Laboratorij za molekularno biologijo (LAMB), Univerza v Sarajevu in Biospeleološko društvo v Bosni in Herzegovini).
Seminar bo 5. marca ob 14.00 v predavalnici B2.
Kratek povzetek vsebine seminarja:
Multidisciplinary research on subterranean habitats for bioprospecting offers immense opportunities to discover new bioactive compounds with applications in biotechnology, biomedical sciences and biodiversity protection. Microbial communities inhabiting these ecosystems adapt by altering their metabolic pathways, affecting both cave dwellers and the entire cave ecosystem. Understanding their survival strategies helps identify novel enzymes and bioactive molecules, which can facilitate the development of environmentally friendly techniques for removing toxic substances. The discovery of polyurethane-degrading microorganisms is particularly significant given the growing concern over microplastic pollution, especially in karst ecosystems.
Assuming high subterranean microbiodiversity in the Dinaric karst, cultivation and metagenomic approaches are often combined with mineralogical profiling of substrates, such as moonmilk, using X-ray powder diffraction and morphological characterization of the various phases of moonmilk crystallization through scanning electron microscopy.
Improving the protection and conservation of subterranean habitats and their biodiversity requires an interdisciplinary approach that not only advances biodiversity knowledge but also benefits the community as a whole. Encouraging collaboration in an equitable and inclusive academic environment, where local communities and citizen science play key role, is essential for achieving this goal.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Večna pot 111, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Večna pot 111, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, Slovenia