Sample. Test. Repeat.Come join us at our free event for an evening of outdoor gear design.
You, our customers, are the real experts and make decisions every day about what gear to buy and what gear to use. That's why we want to hear:
▪️ Is the outdoor industry meeting your needs?
▪️ What are the gaps?
▪️ What is it that brands are missing?
▪️ What would you like to see looking forwards?
We learned from the rich heritage of outdoor design, and started Alpkit because we were frustrated that we couldn't buy the products we needed. So, we decided to make them ourselves.
Come join us at our Hathersage store from 19:00 to 21:00 on Thursday 20th February:
▪️ Meet the team
▪️ Have a look at some of our latest products
▪️ Share our design ethos with an insight into how we make our products.
▪️ Influence our thinking with a Q&A panel with our design team
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Alpkit (The Square, Main Road, Hathersage, UK), The Square, Main Road,Hathersage, Bakewell, United Kingdom