The new Medicare Fairs and More/Senior Expos that take place at different hotel casinos all over the Vegas valley are designed to assist Seniors with their Medicare plans and so much more. There are 10 events scheduled for Fall 2025 starting in September through December 4th. Just in time for Medicare Open Enrollment (Oct.15-Dec.7). We invite everyone to these events whether your the sons and daughters of parents on Medicare or simply want to attend great events and while there register to win a 55'flat screen TV. Always Free Admission and open to the public. Check out the website: www.MedicareFairs.com . Just as the name implies........ Medicare Fairs and MORE! Hope to see you soon.
Event Venue
Arizona Charlies Decatur, 740 S Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89107, United States
USD 0.00