Linking our Juggling to our Depths - workshop with Joseph Viatte

Fri Sep 17 2021 at 10:00 am to Sun Sep 19 2021 at 06:00 pm

Katapult | Berlin

Linking our Juggling to our Depths - workshop with Joseph Viatte
A weekend of juggling and contemplation with Joseph Viatte
17-19 September, 2021
There are just so many things to do in a life… so many methods, practices and techniques, so many exercises “to be done every day”, so many paths, each so beautiful. Especially today, with them all available in our pockets at the swipe of a finger, it’s quite easy to be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of possibilities, have “fear of missing out”, touch upon the surface of many practices but never really go deep: do a bit of yoga then some tai chi then an exercise from last week’s dance workshop then oh what about that one breathing exercise and this approach and that approach etc.
That’s why I feel like it’s important particularly today to reconnect with our own deep, personal, undeniable, unique path. Not just one of the many from the outside, no matter how good, but the unreplaceable one waiting for us in our guts. The one which feels vibrant and real, activates our whole being and satisfies our core. The one which we inevitably return to anyway, and when we do the universe sighs in relief. Our own unique life. There’s an immense energy that comes with being aligned with it, with what’s deeply fascinating to us, feels deeply important to our guts, it’s like having all of existence on our side. This energy can serve as a great fuel for our movements, actions and thoughts, and also as an indicator of when we’re aligned or when we’ve disconnected from our depths and cut off the flow. In my experience, it truly is trustworthy! Our core is actually smart! Following it feels satisfying and meaningful, sure, but it’s also surprisingly efficient: for starters it fills our art with what we care about most, with the deepest beauty we can muster. But it even naturally guides us to the right practices and practice schedules, among many other practical things, in ways which we generally only understand years later and go “oooh that’s why it was a good idea to do that thing I did!”
So in this workshop, we’ll take the time to physically connect in with this felt sense of our depths, of being on our real path, and we’ll listen to what keeps the connection alive and what cuts it off. We’ll explore how this guides us, be it in how we take care of our bodies, how we hold our posture and move, how we hold our objects, relate to them, practice with them, how we share it all with the outside world, etc.
The days’ content will be quite balanced in a “holistic” way between meditation, body care, technical body and juggling exercises, improvisation, and sharing, always with this theme of being connected to our depths.
Please bring your juggling props (whichever ones you feel resonate with the theme), comfortable clothes to move freely in, a pen and paper, a water bottle.
If you aren’t a juggler but are interested nonetheless, please do come, the juggling exercises will for sure be adaptable.
Friday: 18:00-21:00
Saturday and Sunday: 10:00-18:00
(with lunchbreak)
Early bird: 150€
Regular price: 175€
For registration please visit:

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Katapult, Wilhelminenhofestr 91, Berlin, Germany


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