Greetings to all book lovers and reading enthusiasts!Is reading one of your favourite activities? This might be the right place for you! Let’s get together over a cuppa tea and share with fellow book lovers what we have recently read and in one way or another enjoyed and can recommend, or otherwise what we have read and hated and can recommend against, discuss favourite books, different genres and authors, from poetry to sci-fi to non-fiction, to silly detective stories - any books that are currently on your mind for one reason or another!
Additionally, you are welcome to bring all books you want to give either on loan or for good. If the books you want to give away for good are not claimed, they will be left on the library exchange bookshelf.
Meeting in Rikhardinkatu library this time.
See you on December 1st!
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Rikhardinkadun kirjasto, Rikhardinkatu 3, 00130 Helsinki,Helsinki, Finland