Posebno glasbeno popotovanje ob dnevu žena s Kristjanom in AleksandromVabljeni na tretji dogodek iz serije Kozmična Harmonija, ki bo 8. marca 2025 v prostoru Višja vibracija. Tokratni večer bo prav poseben, saj se bo rezidentu Aleksandru Kozmiču pridružil gost Kristjan Jurkas, mojster flavt in gongov.
Kristjan Jurkas - Kolibrijeve piščali in gongi
Kristjan je izjemen glasbenik, izdelovalec flavt in učitelj, specializiran za flavte severnoameriških staroselcev. Njegove lastnoročno izdelane piščali nosijo duh tradicije in ustvarjajo melodije, ki poslušalce ponesejo v globoko sprostitev in notranji mir. Poleg tega je mojster igranja na gonge, katerih mogočne vibracije sproščajo napetosti in harmonizirajo telo ter um.
Aleksander Kozmič - Mojster več inštrumentov in kozmičnega jezika
Aleksander s svojo glasbo združuje raznolike tradicije sveta - od afriške harfe N’goni, sufijske piščali Ney, bobnov Rav Vast do kitare in edinstvenega petja v kozmičnem jeziku. Njegova glasbena alkimija ustvarja most med različnimi kulturami in poslušalce vodi na globoko introspektivno potovanje.
Kaj vas čaka?
- Edinstvena harmonija med Kristjanovimi gongi in flavtami ter Aleksandrovimi inštrumenti, ki bo ustvarila globoko zvočno potovanje in notranje ravnovesje.
- Vibracije gonga, ki bodo sprostile telo in um ter očistile energijsko polje.
- Nežna melodija flavt, ki bo prebudila srce in dvignila zavest.
- Aleksandrove mistične melodije in petje, ki bodo poglobile izkušnjo in odprle vrata v notranji svet.
- Priložnost za sprostitev, meditacijo in globoko poslušanje zvoka v njegovih najčistejših oblikah.
Prvi dve srečanji Kozmične Harmonije sta prinesli globoka doživetja, tokratni večer pa bo z združitvijo zvoka flavt, gongov, kitare in ostalih kozmičnih inštrumentov še posebej mogočen.
Pridružite se nam in dovolite, da vas zvok ponese v prostranstva notranjega miru.
Mesta so omejena - rezervirajte si svoje mesto že danes!
Prispevek 25€
A Special Musical Journey for Women’s Day with Kristjan and Aleksander
You are warmly invited to the third event in the Cosmic Harmony series, taking place on March 8, 2025, at Višja Vibracija. This evening will be truly special as resident artist Aleksander Kozmič is joined by guest musician Kristjan Jurkas, a master of flutes and gongs.
Kristjan Jurkas - Hummingbird Flutes and Gongs
Kristjan is an exceptional musician, flute maker, and teacher, specializing in native American-style flutes. His handcrafted flutes carry the essence of tradition, creating melodies that transport listeners into deep relaxation and inner peace. In addition, he is a master of gongs, whose powerful vibrations release tension and harmonize the body and mind.
Aleksander Kozmič - Master of instruments and singing in the cosmic language
Aleksander weaves together musical traditions from around the world, playing instruments such as the west African N’goni harp, the Sufi Ney flute, the Rav Vast drum, and the guitar, as well as his unique singing in the cosmic language. His musical alchemy bridges cultures, leading listeners on a profound introspective journey.
What Awaits You?
- A unique harmony between Kristjan’s gongs and flutes and Aleksander’s instruments, creating a deeply immersive sound journey and inner balance.
- The vibrations of the gong, releasing tension and cleansing the energetic field.
- The gentle melodies of flutes, awakening the heart and elevating consciousness.
- Aleksander’s mystical melodies and singing, deepening the experience and opening the doors to inner realms.
- An opportunity for relaxation, meditation, and deep listening to sound in its purest forms.
The first two Cosmic Harmony gatherings offered profound experiences, and this evening will be even more powerful with the fusion of flutes, gongs, guitar, and other cosmic instruments.
Join us and let the sound transport you to the vast realms of inner peace.
Limited spaces available - reserve your spot today!
Contribution: €25
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Višja Vibracija, Cesta Andreja Bitenca 68, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, Slovenia