English below-------
Kot vsak mesec pred sobotnimi žuri v Budi, tudi marca pripravljamo poseben dogodek!
Tokrat bosta delavnico vodila Klemen in Nives. Na delavnici bosta predstavila kratko kombinacijo, ki združuje nove figure, stilne elemente in muzikalične vložke.
Delavnica je primerna za tiste, ki so na plesišču že suvereni (nivo 2 in 3).
Cena 2-urne delavnice je 20 evr na osebo ali 30 evr na par.
Prijave obvezne na [email protected].
Od 20:00 naprej nadaljujemo z žurom! Na žur je vstop prost, dobrodošli pa so prigrizki in/ali pijača!
Več na:
Before every Saturday party in Buddha we have a preparty activity.
In March Klemen and Nives prepare a workshop with a short combination, that incorporates new patterns, styling elements, and musicality ideas.
This class is most suitable for dancers who are already confident on the social floor (level 2 and 3).
The price for the 2-hour workshop is 20 euros per person or 30 euros per couple.
Registration required - email [email protected] to sign up.
Starting from 8 pm we continue with WCS party. No entrance fee for the party, but snacks and/or drinks appreciated.
More info about the party:
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Dancing Buddha, Stožice 30,Ljubljana, Slovenia