This special Valentine's edition is a collaboration with the Canstle Summer Dance Congress, held in the beautiful location in Brussels."During the party, The organizer will be giving away two full pass for the Castle Summer Dance Congress Festival. Don’t miss your chance to win!
✅20::45 - 22:00 Urbankiz Workshop by Mose from Eindhoven
✅22:00 - 03:00 Party With DJ Chrissy and DJ Chris
✅Afro Animation by Dr. Nii,
✅Photographer Kola Chabi
💃🕺Teachers and guest dancers will be there.
ENTRANCE (CASH, exact change please and payconiq):
15 €: Party and workshop included
@ the bar: cash & payconiq, Own drinks is not allowed
👔Dress code: Valentine's vibes
🅿️Free parking
- Noordersingel 17 – 2140 Antwerpen - around the building, ->7 min walk
- Noordersingel 19 - 2140 Antwerpen ->7 min walk
- Gamma in Borgerhout (Noordersingel 32, 2140 Antwerpen) ->5 min walk.
Casa 32
Zendelingenstraat 32
2140 Antwerpen
PS: By attending our classes/parties, you are supporting financially in this way orphans/children in need in Togo-Africa (Project of Kizz Paradise).
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Zendelingenstraat 32, 2140 Antwerpen, België, Zendelingenstraat 32, 2140 Antwerpen, België,Antwerp, Belgium