KAMBO THERAPY in Hong Kong with Tomas Adriano Perez

Fri, 11 Apr, 2025 at 09:00 am UTC+08:00

Cheung Chau, Praya Art Space | Hong Kong

Vida Libre
Publisher/HostVida Libre
KAMBO THERAPY in Hong Kong with Tomas Adriano Perez KAMBO is a medicine originating from the Amazon, with an exceptionally wide range of therapeutical potentials.
It is a secretion from a frog Phyllomedusa bicolor, produced by it for a protection, extracted from it without harm and used externally on the human body for healing purposes.
It has been used for ages by some of the amazonian tribes, mostly in Peru (Matsés) and Brasil (Kaxinawá) as an antidote for various diseases and sudden afflictions (like malaria or poisonous bites), as a vaccination generally enhancing the whole immune system, as an uplifter preparing for the draining activities like hunting - increasing stamina, improving sensual perception and spiritual connection with the local fauna, and also as a sure remedy for the so-called panema. Panema is a general term for any type of pollution in the energetical field that shows up as depression, general dejection and weakness, or bad luck.
Lately kambo has been subjected to many extensive scientific studies all over the world (starting from the work of Vittorio Erspamer from the University of Rome), which show that the mechanism of such a wide spectrum of therapeutical application of this medicine is based on biologically active peptides and their potential of having a direct influence on neurotransmitters and of stimulating the immune system to instant regeneration.
Kambo is not a cure for concrete illness - it is a catalyst, which gives an awakening boost to all the mechanisms of the inner homeostasis.
Until now there have been countless reports of instant improvements of general health condition and beneficial transformations of different disabilities, mostly inflammations, infections caused by viruses and bacteria (including those causing boreliosis or herpes), hormonal disfunctions (thyroid), digestive problems, rheumatism, addictions, depression and many more.
General benefits and recommendations:
- improvement of immunity and stamina
- detoxification of the inner organs and related systems
- hormonal regulation
- cleansing on the cell level
- transformation of the energetical body
- general amelioration
- enhancement of the senses
Course of therapy
The course of therapy depends mainly on one's general psychophysical state of being - including one's motivation for the therapy one's attitude towards the process itself and, of course, current health condition.
Also because of that, the exact effect of the therapy (neither direct symptoms of reaction to the medicine) cannot be exactly predicted.
The application of kambo happens after removing the outer skin layers (by making little burns with a red hot stick tamishi) in order to expose the lymphatic system and blood vessels to put the medicine on it.
Kambo works instantly and intensively. Its active phase lasts around 20 minutes, but it has complex and long-term effects.
Normally after the application there is a sudden increase of the pulse and the body temperature. Often it is followed by the intense cleansing of the inner organs (cramps), which may cause (not necessarily) vomiting and/or diarrhea. There can also be some sudden reactions of the nervous system (twitching or numbness of the limbs), short local rash or even spontaneous out of body experiences. It also happens sometimes that the kambo application generates a deep meditative state and a special kind of inner focus and clarity.
Kambo therapy is like a strong momentary intoxification, which comes fast and goes out fast, taking away all sorts of contaminations from one's physical and energetical body.
Before the application you should inform the therapist about your general health condition - especially in case of any serious and/or long-term diseases, about serious surgeries and pharmacological treatment (prescription drugs, recent vaccinations etc.).
The kambo therapy is absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers and for people with severe cardiovascular problems, Shy-Drager syndrome, elderly people, and/or people with fragile health. Also for people with certain psychological conditions such as borderline personality disorder, dissociative disorders, bipolar disorder, severe depression and other diseases where psychosis may manifest.
It is also not recommended to use kambo in combination with ayahuasca, jurema, iboga or other entherogens in the same session. It is recommended to drink water before the ritual and to check the experience and skills of the person administering the kambo.
Additionally, the International Association of Kambo Practitioners (IAKP) specifically excludes people with pacemakers, who have had a cardiac arrest, a cerebral hemorrhage, a thrombosis or aneurysm, in the process of recovering from major surgery, who are receiving chemotherapy or radiotherapy (or have received it in the last four weeks), are taking immunosuppressants after an organ transplant operation, with Addison's disease, epilepsy, certain types of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and those who do not have the mental capacity to decide to take kambo for themselves.

11.04 (Friday) 9-14
12.04 (Saturday) 10-15
13.04 (Sunday) 10-15
You can have one, two or three applications (one per day), depending on your personal needs.
Series of 3 applications is the most recommended as it allows the Medicine to gradually reach deeper layers of any issue at hand.
TOMAS ADRIANO PEREZ is a Mexican healer, Medicine Man who comes from the desert of Coahuila.
He has walked the path of Medicine for over 30 years, receiving the blessings and teaching of several indigenous tribes. He has studied for many years with the Wixarika (Huichol) people from Mexico and also with the Lakota people from the North America, receiving their teachings and transmission on their healing practices and the use of plants.
Tomas is also a disciple of Abuelo Bolívar (leader of the Piaroa tribe of the Venezuelan Amazon), from whom he received the blessing for healing with their local medicines.
He is also a carrier of the Chanupa pipe, a Sundancer and leader of Vision Quests in Latin American and European countries.
Regarding Kambo - Tomas has been continuing his apprenticeship for several years with Abuelo Luis (“Lucho”) Dunu Jiménez Dësi - one of the three most valued and respected healers in the Peruvian Matsés tribe that is world widely recognized for their genuine and profound mastery of kambo. He received his original Medicine and his permission to apply the therapy.
all info: prv Agni Verde

Event Venue

Cheung Chau, Praya Art Space, Hong Kong, Hong Kong

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