Impro liga: Harry Potter vs Lord of the Rings

Sun, 26 Jan, 2025 at 08:00 pm

Menza pri koritu, AKC Metelkova mesto, Metelkova ulica 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia | Ljubljana

impro liga
Publisher/Hostimpro liga
The new season of the Impro League is here! And with it a new addition- occasional matches in English for expats living in Slovenia.
Since the Impro League has an answer to everything, in this season called "What is Better?", we decided to solve the great controversies of humanity. YOU ARE WELCOME MANKIND.
In each match, two teams of experienced improvisers will fight in the skills of theater sports, while the judging of the challenges and scores will be ensured by expert judges of theater improvisation. A few times per game, you, dear audience, will give your scores as well. Each team will represent their point of superiority, and in the end, the winners will settle one of humanity's controversies once and for all.
This match, we will see an epic fantasy battle between wizard lovers and elf, hobbit, dwarf enthusiasts! Undoubtedly, you already feel a sense of belonging to one of the teams, and rightly so! With your support, they can succeed. Whichever team wins, that's the better franchise FOREVER!
Ready your clapping hands and see you on Sunday at 20:00!
Who will be the stars of this show?
Harry Potter team: Javi Hernandez, Tosja Flaker berce, Kristina Popit, Eva Režek, Jitske Hartmans, Ana Marija Hauko
LOTR: Dejan Krajcar, Anže Mohorič, Katarina Pogačnik, Elena Vasilyeva, Nina Grčar, Nina Furlan, Veronika Vižintin
Moderator: Jan Hrušovar
Judge: Nina Beganovič and Jan Cunja
On the music: Luka Pogačnik
Technician: Jaka Korošec
How much does that cost? IT'S CHEAP
Classic adults: €8
Students, pensioners, unemployed: €6

Impro liga je temeljni program improvizacijskega gledališča pri nas, ki poteka že od leta 1993. Glavnina programa ponavadi poteka kot državno tekmovanje impro gledaliških skupin, program pa je stičišče slovenskih improvizatorjev in improvizatork.
Produkcija: Društvo za kulturo in izobraževanje IMPRO
Kontakt: [email protected]
FB: / INSTA: @impro_liga

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Menza pri koritu, AKC Metelkova mesto, Metelkova ulica 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Metelkova ulica 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija,Ljubljana, Slovenia

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