The Chinese dance drama MULAN, based on the beloved story of family devotion, loyalty, and love, tells the tale of a young woman in ancient China who disguises herself as a man to take her father's place in the army. She embarks on a heroic journey of self-discovery that takes her into battle, yet through which she ultimately finds love, peace, and freedom. This modern interpretation reimagines the classic tale of the legendary female Chinese warrior Hua Mulan, exploring themes of self-identity and empowerment through remarkable and compelling dance numbers and exquisite music. Mulan is an artistic, choreographed re-telling of a quintessentially Chinese tale. Unlike the traditional legend of Hua Mulan, which celebrates her warrior spirit, this production also spotlights her strength in her pursuit of love and peace. Mulan is selfless, wise, and understands her moral responsibility. However, for Mulan, morality extends beyond just her small community to encompass her entire nation, and humanity overall. In DecMark your calendar for 29 Sep, 2023 at 11:30 PM. Image China - Dance Drama MULAN is a celebration of passion, innovation, and community. Embrace the opportunity to explore the world of Arts and Theater in a dynamic setting at Kennedy Center Opera House in , . Reserve your spot now for tickets starting at just 44.00 .
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Kennedy Center Opera House, 2700 F St. NW, Washington DC, DC 20566, Washington, United States