About this Event
Thank you for your interest in receiving free trees from the Coed Caerdydd project to plant in your garden.
Your participation will help to make Cardiff greener for current and future generations!
Please fill the requested information and book your collection slot to be considered for tree donations in the spring 2025 round.
Tree information
Our species selection focusses on native or naturalised varieties suitable for small to medium sized gardens. These will support wildlife, take up carbon dioxide, and provide seasonal interest.
You can select individual trees from our species list or pick from one of our mixed species packs (please see list below). If you are unsure which to select, please get in touch for advice using the contact details below.
We usually provide up to 5 free trees, but more might be made available upon special request, such as for hedgerows.
Please note these are 60-80cm whips (small trees).
We recommend taking a look at the guidance document “Twigged” from the Woodland Trust to help you learn more about the types of trees and requirements: https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/media/1168/twigged.pdf
Please note, it is recommended that trees should be planted at least 3-5m from your property if in the ground, not underneath any overhead cables, and not blocking drains.
We will try to fulfil as many requests as possible, but requests might be amended due to site suitability, stocks, and/or insufficient information provided. You will be contacted if we require any further information or have recommendations for different species more suitable to your location.
Your information
To help us provide the right trees we would like you to tell us about your garden and indicate which trees you are interested in planting.
We will also ask for your consent to contact you in future to monitor the progress of the trees.
Please note you must be a Cardiff resident to apply.
Collection information
Collection events will be held in our tree nursery at Forest Farm Country Park, Whitchurch on:
Wednesday 26th March
* 1-3pm
Friday 28th March
* 10am-12pm
Saturday 29th March
* 10am-12pm
* 1-3pm
Booking required, full list of dates / timings can be viewed here: www.eventbrite.com/cc/coed-caerdydd-household-tree-collection-1791069
Please try to arrive within your booked hour timeslot to help us manage collections. If you arrive outside of your timeslot you may not be able to receive your trees.
You can send someone to collect on your behalf.
Access to our tree nursery via car park and Radyr train station / Taff Trail shown on map below.
Further information
If you have any queries, please contact: [email protected]
Please help us spread the word by sharing with your friends, family, and neighbours!
Diolch am eich diddordeb mewn derbyn coed am ddim o brosiect Coed Caerdydd i'w plannu yn eich gardd.
Bydd eich cyfranogiad yn helpu i wneud Caerdydd yn wyrddach ar gyfer cenhedlaeth heddiw a chenedlaethau’r dyfodol!
Rhowch y wybodaeth y gofynnir amdani a threfnwch eich slot casglu er mwyn i ni allu ystyried rhoi coed i chi yn rownd gwanwyn 2025.
Gwybodaeth am y coed
Mae ein dewis o rywogaethau yn canolbwyntio ar amrywiaethau brodorol neu wedi'u naturioli sy'n addas ar gyfer gerddi bach i ganolig. Bydd y rhain yn dda i fywyd gwyllt, yn dal carbon deuocsid, ac yn cynnig diddordeb tymhorol.
Gallwch ddewis coed unigol o'n rhestr o rywogaethau neu ddewis un o'n pecynnau rhywogaethau cymysg (weler y rhestr isod). Os nad ydych yn siŵr am yr hyn i’w ddewis, cysylltwch â ni i gael cyngor gan ddefnyddio'r manylion cyswllt isod.
Fel arfer rydym yn rhoi hyd at 5 coeden am ddim, ond efallai y bydd mwy ar gael ar gais arbennig, ar gyfer gwrychoedd er enghraifft.
Chwipiau 60-80cm (coed bach) yw'r rhain.
Rydym yn argymell edrych ar y ddogfen ganllaw "Twigged" gan Coed Cadw i'ch helpu i ddysgu mwy am y mathau o goed a’u gofynion: https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/media/1168/twigged.pdf
Argymhellir plannu coed o leiaf 3-5m o'ch eiddo os yn y ddaear, nid o dan unrhyw geblau uwchben, a heb flocio draeniau.
Byddwn yn ceisio ateb cymaint o geisiadau â phosibl, ond efallai y bydd ceisiadau'n cael eu diwygio oherwydd addasrwydd y safle, stociau, a / neu wybodaeth annigonol. Byddwn yn cysylltu â chi os bydd angen unrhyw wybodaeth bellach arnom neu os oes gennym argymhellion ar gyfer rhywogaethau gwahanol sy'n fwy addas i'ch lleoliad.
Eich gwybodaeth
Er mwyn ein helpu i roi'r coed cywir, hoffem i chi ddweud wrthym am eich gardd a nodi pa goed y mae gennych ddiddordeb mewn eu plannu.
Byddwn hefyd yn gofyn am eich caniatâd i gysylltu â chi yn y dyfodol i fonitro cynnydd y coed.
Sylwch fod yn rhaid i chi fod yn breswylydd yng Nghaerdydd i wneud cais.
Gwybodaeth am gasglu
Cynhelir digwyddiadau casglu ym ein meithrinfa goed ym Forest Farm Country Park, Whitchurch ar:
Dydd Mercher 26th Marwth
* 1-3pm
Dydd Gwener 28th Marwth
* 10am-12pm
Dydd Sadwrn 29th Marwth
* 10am-12pm
* 1-3pm
Mae angen archebu lle, gellir gweld rhestr lawn o ddyddiadau / amseroedd yma: www.eventbrite.com/cc/coed-caerdydd-household-tree-collection-1791069
Ceisiwch gyrraedd o fewn y slot awr wedi’i drefnu i chi i'n helpu i reoli casgliadau. Os byddwch yn cyrraedd y tu allan i'ch slot, efallai na fyddwch yn gallu derbyn eich coed.
Gallwch anfon rhywun i gasglu ar eich rhan.
Mynediad i'n meithrinfa goed trwy'r maes parcio a gorsaf drenau Radyr / Taith Taf a ddangosir ar y map isod.
Mwy o wybodaeth
Ios oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, cysylltwch â: [email protected]
Helpwch ni i ledaenu'r gair trwy rannu gyda'ch ffrindiau, eich teulu a'ch cymdogion!
Coed Caerdydd tree giveaways species list (spring 2025)
Individual Species:
· Alder
· Beech
· Birch
· Cherry (Gean)
· Crab Apple
· Dogwood
· Guelder Rose
· Hawthorn
· Hazel
· Rowan
· Spindle
· Sycamore
· Willow
· Wet mix (Alder x2 / Spindle x2 / Willow)
· Hedge mix (Beech / Dogwood / Guelder Rose / Hawthorn / Hazel)
· Fruit and nuts mix (Cherry (Gean) / Crab Apple / Hazel x2 / Rowan)
· Wildlife mix (Birch / Hawthorn / Hazel / Rowan / Sycamore)
· Seasonal interest mix (Cherry (Gean) / Dogwood / Guelder Rose / Rowan / Spindle)

Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Forest Farm Country Park, Forest Farm Road, Cardiff, United Kingdom
USD 0.00