About this Event
Helping Caregivers of Transgender and Nonbinary Youth
Jennifer Wolfe-Hagstrom, BS Edu, MSW, LICSW
3 Formal CEs approved by NASW VT
With 1.6 million people ages 13+ identifying as transgender in the United States, parents, grandparents, foster parents, and other caregivers are grappling with how to keep up and support their youth as best as they can. Amid political turmoil and generational differences many caregivers are left unsure of what’s best when it comes to raising and supporting youth who are exploring their gender identity. This workshop, grounded in kindness and compassion, will provide up-to-date information and tangible steps to help caregivers understand and empathize with gender identity issues that matter to their youth. You will be guided in gender affirming methods to increase your own understanding of how to best support trans and non-binary youth as well as how to model and teach caregivers. Jennifer is known for their warm interactive facilitation and truly wants to help folx learn and understand how to be more supportive and affirming. Participants will leave with concrete action steps to implement into their work and clarity on the importance of affirming care and strong attachment between youth and their caregivers.
1. Participants will differentiate between current gender affirming language and outdated terminology or phrases that are no longer appropriate to utilize.
2. Participants will identify 3 factors that can increase oppressive barriers to care for the transgender and nonbinary populations.
3. Participants will describe 3 actions they can take to shift their practice to be more gender affirming.
4. Participants will explain 3 actions caregivers of transgender, nonbinary, or gender exploring youth can take to increase protective factors for their child.
5. Participants will differentiate between caregiving environments
About the Presenter
Jennifer Wolfe-Hagstrom, BS Edu, MSW, LICSW (she/they) helps NeuroDivergent and LGBTQIA+ folx struggling with multiple traumas to break cycles of pain and live free, authentic, joy-filled lives! With an MSW from NYC’s Hunter College in 2014, Jennifer brings her drive for inclusion and compassion to her private practice in Nashua, NH and beyond. Through creative expressive interventions, Animal Assisted Therapy, and parts work, Jennifer digs into deep healing rooted in compassion. Jennifer shares their knowledge of social work and creativity via clinical supervision and continuing education training relating to vicarious trauma, burnout, self-compassion, affirming care, and new professionals. Jennifer is also known to share her love of SoulCollage® in workshops with fellow helpers and healers via KindnessCornerStudio.com. Jennifer resides in NH with her kiddo and animals. They are the owner of Kindness Corner Therapy, PLLC providing clinical services and supervision to folx in NH, ME, and VT. Connect with her online at KindnessCornerTherapy.com!
The zoom link and any handouts will be sent to you prior to the workshop
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Event Venue
USD 55.20 to USD 92.55