Follow along with Vivienne and her team in real time as you learn trending haircuts, ask questions and get feedback.About this Event
Want to uplevel your creativity and confidence as a hairdresser?
Join a HAIRCUTTING LIVE VIRTUAL WORKSHOP with Vivienne Mackinder herself and get LIVE feedback directly from Vivienne during the live workshop.
Have fun behind the chair while raising your income and client referrals...
- Stop feeling like you're on an assembly line, creating cookie-cutter hairstyles every single day
- Reignite your creative spark and find inspiration in new techniques and trendy haircuts.
- Expand both your technical and creative skills without feeling overwhelmed by the vast amount of content on social media.
- Overcome the fear of trying contemporary perms or recommending new styles to your clients!
- Quit wasting hours scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or TikTok watching videos that don't teach you anything new.
Get access to the monthly live class with Vivienne to learn and master trending haircuts!
Event Venue
USD 19.99