Gæðastund á Listasafninu við Fríkirkjuveg 7 Leiðsögn sérfræðings um sýninguna Nánd hversdagsins sem samanstendur af rúmlega 60 ljósmyndum eftir þekkta alþjóðlega listamenn, þau Agnieszku Sosnowska, Joakim Eskildsen, Niall McDiarmid, Orra Jónsson og Sally Mann. Sýningin er hluti af Ljósmyndahátíð Íslands. Verkin á sýningunni voru valin úr ákveðnum myndaröðum úr höfundarverki hvers og eins listamanns þar sem birtist djúp ástríða fyrir því að ljósmynda fólk á þeim stöðum sem standa því næst.
Gæðastundir eru viðburðir sem ætlaðir eru eldri borgurum. Viðburðirnir eru samsettir úr sérsniðnum leiðsögnum og spjalli við sérfræðinga safnsins um myndlist, yfirstandandi sýningar og starfsemi.
Viðburðirnir skapa tækifæri fyrir gesti til að nálgast myndlistina og menningararf þjóðarinnar á margvíslegan hátt. Ávallt er boðið upp á kaffi og meðlæti á gæðastundum í Listasafni Íslands. Kaktus Espressobar á Fríkirkjuvegi styrkir verkefnið með bakkelsi.
Aðgangseyrir á safnið gildir.
Styrktaraðilar sýningarinnar eru American Friends of the National Gallery of Iceland, Statens Kunstfond, Ny Carlsberg Fondet og bandaríska sendiráðið á Íslandi. Agnieszka Sosnowska og Orri Jónsson hlutu styrk frá Myndstef.
Quality Moments at the National Gallery of Iceland at Fríkirkjuvegur 7
Specialist led tour about the group exhibition Intimacies of the Everyday. The exhibition features more than 60 photographs by renowned international contemporary artists, including Agnieszka Sosnowska, Joakim Eskildsen, Niall McDiarmid, Orri Jónsson, and Sally Mann. The exhibition is curated by Pari Stave, head curator for exhibitions at the National Gallery of Iceland. The works in Intimacies of the Everyday were selected from discrete series within each artist’s practice and represent decades-long and ongoing preoccupations with photographing the people and places closest to home. The exhibition is organized around the unifying idea that certain images can only be achieved by close, attentive, and sustained observation.
The events calendar is aimed at senior citizens and is composed of specially designed tours as well as discussions with the museum´s experts on fine art, ongoing exhibitions and the work of the National Gallery of Iceland.
The events create opportunities for guests to approach art and our national heritage from different perspectives.
The National Gallery´s Quality Moments events are always accompanied by coffee and pastries. The pastries are contributed by Kaktus Espressobar which sponsors the project.
Attn. The event will be held in Icelandic
Museum entrance fees apply
The exhibition is sponsored by the American Friends of the National Gallery of Iceland, the Danish Arts Foundation, Ny Carlsberg Foundation, and the US Embassy in Iceland. Agnieszka Sosnowska and Orri Jónsson received funding support from Myndstef.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Fríkirkjuvegur 7, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland, Fríkirkjuvegur 7, 101 Reykjavíkurborg, Ísland,Reykjavík, Iceland