Welcome to join us at Swedish Swing Society for a laid back dance evening! This evening is all about getting to know people, dancing and trying new things!There will be music. There will be coffee and cookies to purchase. There will be a cosy dance floor. Eat something, have a chat, try out some fancy steps at the dance floor. Meet people!
We appreciate that you bring your own waterbottle if you can! (Then there will be less cups for us to wash (: )
We are very sorry to inform that we have had repeated thefts of (smaller) bags at our socials. Both from the changing rooms as well as from the dance hall. Don't leave any important/valuable stuff unsupervised. ( Keyes, credit cards, wallet, mobile, medicine etc.) Smaller safes have been bought, but are not installed yet.
The music this evening will be swing oriented and lindy-friendly. Having said so we give DJs room for adding a bit of spice (if they want to) with influences from latin swing, bebop, rhythem and blues and slow swing for instance - without leaving the core theme.
This is also the evening where new aspiring DJs and prominent veterans make the dancefloor swing together.
Want to DJ? Sign up here:
Link will come
Want to help out preparing or closing the venue? Sign up here:
Link will come
Our evening is about veterans and rookies creating together.
You do not have to be experienced/professional
to help organize, share your favourite music, perform or share a a little workshop. Of course we want veterans showing off 😃, but we have all started somewhere.
(For performances and workshops you do need to contact us two weeks in advance so we can adjust DJ- and volunteer schedule. On our lindy evenings we want them to be in the area of lindy hop, jazz or tap dance)
7.00 pm social dance start and
7.15 cafe opens
10.30 pm closing and cleaning up
Members of Swedish Swing Society: 50 SEK incl. coffee and cookies
Other non-members: 100 SEK incl. coffee and cookies
We seriously prefer swish. (Our bank don't take cash. No, we are not kidding.)
NOT A MEMBER? Want to become one?:
We are a non-profit organisation run by democratic principles by our members. You can sign up for membership at our webpage. Membership gives you possibility to vote at our annual meeting, possibillity to practice for free on Sundays, serious discounts at our courses, social dance evenings and other events.
Membership is valid for first January to end of December 2025.
23 year or younger: 150 SEK
above 23 year: 300 SEK
Swedish Swing Society
17 January
31 January
14 February
28 February
14 March
04 April
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Swedish Swing Society, Odengatan 89, SE-113 22 Stockholm, Sverige,Stockholm, Sweden