Sidney and Matilda Presents: Free Party
Free Party hit the ground running in 2025 with their ambitious return to releasing with ‘Anniversary’, the boys’ take on classic indie-electronica and indie-sleaze, reminiscent of LCD Soundsystem and New Order, combined with grunge undertones comparable to Alice In Chains. The band have been quoted in ASBO Magazine as “The Jesus and Mary Chain if they were fronted by Thom Yorke”.
Off the back of a promising 2024, the band made festival appearances for Live at Leeds and Humber Street Sesh, as well as releasing 2 singles with famed producer of The Strokes, Gordon Raphael. In the summer of 2024, Free Party visited BAM BAM Studios and recorded their highly anticipated debut EP with Harry Jordan; set to be released this year.
Free Party is Brad Thomas, Kieran Pratt, Joe Cook, Harris Johnson and Ethan Manders.
£8 OTD
Doors- 7:45pm
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Event Venue & Nearby Stays
Sidney & Matilda, Sidney & Matilda, Sheffield, EN, United Kingdom