Learn to make foaming face wash.
Workshop Details :
Know about :
- Properties of ingredients used in foaming face wash
- Sterilization process
- Benefits of it
6 types of Foaming face cleanser :
1) AHA fruit acid foam face wash
2) Anti acne foam face wash
3) Skin brightenig foam face wash
4) Oil free skin foam face wah
5) Coffee foam cleanser
6) Collagene foam cleanser
-Out of 6 recipes, 2 recipes are shown in video and 4 are in PDF.
- Detailed PDF including formulation, properties of materials vendor details.
- Detailed videos including making process preservation and storage
- Benefits of pre recorded videos : U can see pause rewind whenever you want. In case u forget the making process you can access anytime.
- You can ask us your query anytime on whatsapp +91 8306363530
Launching date : May 22
-Registration fees : INR 2000 (Including videos & Detailed PDF)
Registration link - https://allevents.in/online/foaming-face-wash-making-workshop/80003169505449
- Once you register yourself You will get video access and PDF on 22nd May
For any query call or whatsapp us on +91 8306363530 / 9428110033
Event Venue
INR 1700.00 to INR 2000.00