“Empowering Girls” Shekhar Mehta, Rotary International President-elect 2021

Tue Apr 27 2021 at 07:05 pm to 08:05 pm

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Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
Publisher/HostRotary in Great Britain and Ireland
\u201cEmpowering Girls\u201d Shekhar Mehta, Rotary International President-elect 2021
"Empowering Girls" Shekhar Mehta, Rotary International President-elect 2020-21
About this Event

Tuesday 27 April 2021 - 19.05 - 19.45

togetherTalks is a fortnightly series of conversation events, connecting people from across the globe to a range of leading speakers from the worlds of business, volunteering, the charity sector and more. Brought to you by Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland.

  • 40-minute session
  • In-depth and sharp conversation around important topics
  • Submit a question for the guest at registration
  • Q & As
  • Live Chat Room
  • YouTube Live Premier Broadcast on the Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland YouTube channel.

Mehta is a director of the India arm of Operation Eyesight Universal, a former trustee of ShelterBox (he helped build nearly 500 homes for families affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami), and architect of the TEACH Program, which promotes literacy throughout India and has reached thousands of schools.

Mehta has been actively involved in disaster response and is a trustee of ShelterBox, UK. After the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, he helped build nearly 500 homes for families affected by the disaster.

A Rotary member since 1984, Mehta has served Rotary as director, member or chair of several committees, zone coordinator, training leader, member of The Rotary Foundation Cadre of Technical Advisers, and district governor. He is also the chair of The Rotary Foundation (India).

Mehta has received many awards, including, Rotary’s Service Above Self Award and The Rotary Foundation’s Citation for Meritorious Service and Distinguished Service Awards.

He and his wife, Rashi, are Major Donors and members of the Bequest Society.

Presidential Initiatives

Equality is a fundamental human right, and it's necessary for a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world, girls and women worldwide face inequities in areas including health and education and experience significant violence and disproportionate poverty. His theme, Serve to Change Lives Still. Encourages Rotary clubs and districts to prioritize projects that improve the health, well-being, education, and economic security of girls in their communities and around the world. “Rotary kindled the spark within me to look beyond myself and embrace humanity,” he said. “Service became a way of life for me and I, like many others, adopted the guiding philosophy that “Service is the rent I pay for the space I occupy on this earth, and I want to be a good tenant of this earth.”

Watch Shekhar Mehta’s speech at the Rotary International Assembly on the link below to get an insight into this amazing thought leader.

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