Ductape Live! Darkwave senzacija iz Istanbula

Sat, 15 Mar, 2025 at 10:00 pm to Sun, 16 Mar, 2025 at 04:00 am UTC+01:00

Klub UNDER | Belgrade

Publisher/HostKlub UNDER
Ductape Live! Darkwave senzacija iz Istanbula
Nakon prošlogodišnjeg fenomenalnog nastupa, darkwave duo iz Turske ponovo se vraća u klub Under.
Njihov mračan i emotivan nastup ostavio je snažan utisak – ko je bio, zna, a ko nije, sada ima priliku!
DUCTAPE su Çağla and Furkan, dvojac iz Istanbula koji osvaja publiku svojim emotivnim tekstovima i moćnim live nastupima. Sa albumima "Echo Drama", "Ruh" i "Labirent" pomerili su granice autentičnosti i postali jedan od najuzbudljivijih darkwave/postpunk bendova današnjice!

Oni su zvuk pulsirajućeg srca post-punk-a, odjek melodičnog darkwave diskursa i glas introspektivnog narativa goth-a!

Oni su zvuk prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti!


Birthed from the underground music scene of bustling Istanbul, Ductape carries the torch of the seminal post-punk revolution. But they aren't just echoing their predecessors; they are pushing the genre into unexplored territories.
In a world where genres are increasingly becoming blurred, Ductape stands tall, unapologetically crafting a sound that challenges, captivates, and resonates. They are the sound of post-punk's beating heart, the echo of darkwave's melodic discourse, and the voice of gothic introspective narratives. Ductape is the sound of then, now, and what's to come.

With deep, brooding bass lines that interweave with unruly guitar riffs and pathos-laden lyrics, Ductape's sound embodies the essence of post-punk — the raw energy, the rebellious spirit, and the unyielding desire to experiment. Simultaneously nostalgic and future-forward, their music commands the listener's attention from the first note to the last.

United by their shared passion for sonic exploration, the members of Ductape - Cagla and Furkan form a tight-knit unit that thrives on creative synergy. From the commanding vocals that convey raw emotion, to the intricate guitar work that weaves intricate webs of sound, the pulsating
basslines that anchor their sonic assault, and the relentless drums that drive the rhythm forward, each element intertwines to create their distinctive sonic tapestry.

Ductape has graced renowned stages and underground venues, igniting crowds with electrifying performances. Their music, like a sonic manifesto, resonates with those who crave authenticity and seek solace in the cathartic release of sound.

Alongside their powerful live shows, the duo has released influential albums, including “Echo Drama “, “Labirent” and “Ruh”. These sonic creations embody their evolution as artists, capturing the rawness and urgency that define their post-punk spirit.
Ulaznice u pretprodaji možete kupiti u klubu po ceni od 1500 rsd, dok će na dan koncerta ulaznice koštati 1900 rsd.
Broj ulaznica je ograničen!

Event Venue & Nearby Stays

Klub UNDER, Ruzveltova 1,Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia

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