About this Event
Masterclass Outline
Complexity, polarization and surface “noise” are more and more tangible these days in our work as professional coaches with leaders and organisations. And yet, it feels like fertile ground for observing patterns, engaging with entanglement, interdependence and diversity - a true invitation to develop systemic awareness and tap into the wisdom of living systems.
Learning from Nature and seeing it as a dynamic open complex of evolving relationships reminds us that “we are nature” and that the same dynamics are at play within us.
The masterclass is inspired by research and exploration with permaculture and its principles mapped across to systemic coaching, Nora Bateson’s Warm Data, regenerative leadership, relational systems intelligence, mindfulness and deep ecology practice.
Masterclass Aims
- Providing inspiration and spaciousness to experiment with nature-inspired concepts
- Provoking reflection around our inner and outer landscapes to support deeper enquiry and guidance for reflective practice
- Introducing the Fern - a 6 anchor spiral model for living systems-inspired coaching
The format will be interactive and experiential alternating storytelling, presentations, dialogue, co-creation and warm data exploration in small group conversations.
Below: · Andra Morosi is a systemic and global leadership coach, EIA Master, ESIA EMCC and Coaching Supervision Academy accredited supervisor and faculty member, founder of International Milestones and co-founder of Seedlings, a mission-driven organisation. She works worldwide from her Greenkub garden office in Normandy where she experiments with permaculture, art and beauty in all its forms, nature-inspired practices and sustainable living and working. Holding a triple nationality, multilingual and multicultural through her personal story, upbringing and choices, she is passionate about the complexity of systems, cultural diversity, impermanence and change; she works with leaders and teams in international organizations and also organises regenerative supervision retreats for coaches.

Event Venue
GBP 33.25 to GBP 49.99