About this Event
When we think about workplace wellness, we tend to think about coaching people to help them prevent future health or medical challenges.
We might even consider employees coping with acute or chronic health challenges or returning from sick leave.
There is an additional group of employees whose lives and work are affected by health issues; these are employees who are caregivers. Being a caregiver means providing care and helping a family member or loved one with activities of daily living.
The term ‘caregiving’ is commonly used to address issues related to illness, disability, old age, or a mental disorder.
Part of understanding the experience of being a caregiver is being aware that this group experiences incredibly high levels of stress that can result in what is known as ‘Caregiver Stress Syndrome’ or ‘Compassion Fatigue’. Both are extreme versions of burnout due
to chronic stress. This type of stress is ‘invisible’ to the workplace because it is rarely addressed due to social stigma and culture.
Our responsibility as coaches is to have the ability to recognize, address, and coach our clients through their caregiving challenges and stressors in addition to the challenges and stressors they cope with within the workplace.
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