Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: The Musical" is based on Roald Dahl's beloved children's book of the same name. The musical follows the adventures of a young boy named Charlie Bucket, who lives in poverty with his family. Charlie dreams of finding one of the five golden tickets hidden inside Wonka Bars, which will grant him access to Willy Wonka's mysterious and magical chocolate factory.Against all odds, Charlie finds the last golden ticket and, along with four other children, visits the factory. Inside, they encounter a series of fantastical rooms and wondrous inventions, all while witnessing the consequences of bad behavior as the other children succumb to their own flaws and are removed from the tour in bizarre and humorous ways.
Throughout the visit, Charlie's honesty, humility, and good heart win over Willy Wonka, who ultimately reveals that his true intention is to find an heir to take over the factory. Impressed by Charlie's character, Wonka chooses him, and Charlie's life is transformed as he and his family move into the factory.
The musical features original songs, as well as numbers from the 1971 film adaptation, blending whimsical and touching moments to capture the magic and moral lessons of Dahl's classic tale.
Age advice 6+, strictly no 3s and under.
Event Venue & Nearby Stays
The Whitehall Theatre, Dundee, United Kingdom