Brummies Networking Post-Covid Relaunch - December Event

Tue Dec 14 2021 at 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Grosvenor Casino Broad St - Birmingham | Birmingham

Richard Heathcote
Publisher/HostRichard Heathcote
Brummies Networking Post-Covid Relaunch - December Event Our in-person Brummies Networking events are BACK! For the time being it will require booking via Eventbrite to cap numbers to keep it safe.
About this Event

After our very succesful relaunch this year, FINALLY! We're OF COURSE back to do it all again in December.

Obviously, with Covid and its Delta variant still prevalent in society, we are going to have to do thing slightly differently for the time being, in terms of how we plan/execute and host the events, in order to keep things as safe as humanly possible.

As we’ve said many times over the last 18 months, your safety is our number one priority - therefore we need to ensure we conduct our events in the safest possible way, whilst doing our utmost to keep the events the same, welcoming, relaxed and friendly place you’re familiar with.

SO - our plan is to cap numbers at our events, especially in the early days; given how busy we have been in the past. It’s better to keep the numbers lower so it’s not too crowded, again, to keep things more spaced out to allow lots of movement in the room. So if you’d like to attend on the 14th, please use this Eventbrite page to book in. I’m afraid until further notice we want to avoid ‘drop-ins’ who haven’t booked, so we can control the number of attendees. If you want to come along, please do book ahead of time.

On top of the stringent measures already in place at the Grosvenor Casino, our friends at Puresan have offered to kit out the venue with products which we can use, to promote safety and hygiene.

There will be multiple tea & coffee stations available so there’s no need to congregate in one particular area. Also, we would encourage you once you’ve grabbed your drink to move away from the stations to network with others, allowing free movement for others to come in and get their drinks.

We would also ask you to be particularly mindful of peoples’ varying preferences of greeting - overall, don’t feel discouraged if you present a handshake and are offered an elbow or fist-bumps instead. If someone would rather keep their distance to chat or prefer to wear a mask, please do be mindful of this and don't take it as a slight against you! We want to ensure everyone feels as comfortable as possible at our events, regardless of their distancing preferences; so please do respect people’s space.

We can’t wait to see you all again at our events ongoing! So if you fancy coming along, please do book on here!

(And it goes without saying, but if you feel you may have ANY symptoms associated with Covid, or feel in any way unwell, please DO NOT attend!)

Also, if you’ve booked a ticket but can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can release your ticket to someone else on the waiting list.

Event Photos

At time of writing, we have decided as a team that we are able to bring our events back, and do it safely, everyone’s safety is paramount to us.

We will monitor the Covid and Delta Variant situation daily and keep you informed about the event through our mailing list and social media channels.

If it seems as though things are changing and we deem the situation compromises our event’s viability, we will notify you if we have to cancel - so please do keep an eye on our Twitter, blog, and further mailshots for daily updates.

We hope things will continue as planned of course, but we just want you to be mindful of the fact that should the need arise, we may have to take action to ensure everyone’s safety. Keep everything crossed!

(And it goes without saying, but if you feel you may have ANY symptoms associated with Covid, or feel in any way unwell, please DO NOT attend! Please stay at home and get yourself tested)

Also, if you’ve booked a ticket but can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can release your ticket to someone else on the waiting list.

Event Venue

Grosvenor Casino Broad St - Birmingham, Broad Street, Birmingham, United Kingdom


GBP 0.00

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