About this Event
Welcome to the Understanding Breastfeeding eClass, a unique online learning experience that provides comprehensive information you can trust about breastfeeding. In this class, you’ll learn all about breastfeeding through instructive video clips, animations, and interactive games. You’ll also get a sense of what it’s really like to breastfeed as you hear from moms who have been there!
Once you regsiter, an email will be sent to you within 2-3 days with account set up information. You can set up your account immediatley and begin to watch your videos. You will have access to the classes for 9 months and will be able to watch them as many times as needed. You will also receive a book in the mail to go with the class.
The date on the class is for planning purposes. You can watch the videos as soon as you set up your account.
If registering for eClasses from 11/27/24-12/1/24, you will receive your codes on 12/2/24
Event Venue
USD 25.00