About this Event
Are you ready to break free from the bonds that keep you stuck in situationships or settling for less than you deserve in dating and relationships?
Are you stuck in a cycle of swiping, chatting, not dating, deleting apps and repeating? Or…
Are you settling for less than you deserve and want by staying in scenarios that lack depth, connection and fulfilment? I hear you.
So many singles are, but that doesn’t have to be you.
You could gain the tools to deepen your self-awareness, get clear on what you want in love, in life and in the bedroom and block things in your path that no longer align with what you crave.
If you feel ready to commit to creating a conscious journey to finding love and connection, this workshop is for you.
Low self-esteem, reduced confidence and a feeling of confusion between what is lust and what is love keeps us apart from the deep fulfilment and healthy relationship(s) with ourselves and others.
If you’re ready to feel empowered, restore your faith in finding love and feel liberated in what your heart, mind and body truly desire I am here to support you.
I am Sarah Louise Ryan, Professional Matchmaker, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor in training and coach for individuals and couples. Sarah is also a contributor to the BBC on all things love, dating, sex and relating as well as a relationship wellness educator using a unique dialogue that is conscious technique called Imago.
This workshop might speak to you if…
💭 You find yourself dating or settling for people that don’t choose you too.
💭 Relationships feel like an ‘rollercoaster’ and you never feel calm and centred. Perhaps you have a feeling of being really high and really low?
💭 You find yourself hiding or changing parts of yourself or not showing up authentically in partnership
💭 You feel like you need to settle for multiple relationship dynamics, situationships or friends with benefits but you really crave commitment between two.
💭 You seem to always date the same emotionally unavailable, noncommittal, unreliable kinds of people or those who are married and not choosing you fully.
💭 You wait for someone to pick you, choose you and you play dating cool so you don’t rock the boat in certain situations.
You feel like you’re abandoning your true desires and have more integrity for others but ignore your own wants, needs and desires.
You find yourself hiding or changing parts of yourself or not showing up authentically in partnership.
💭 You search for or 'see the red flags' or have an instinct someone you date isn't right but you want a relationship; so ignore your heart, your mind and your gut.
💭 You find yourself dating or settling for people that don’t choose you.
💭 You often find yourself frustrated and you ‘feel more in’ or ‘giving more’ than your partner.
💭 You really do want to find love but the commitment to someone feels painful, suffocating and when the sparky first dating phase fades, you opt out.
💭 You fantisise and romanticise dating but keep yourself safe and single by not showing up vulnerably, authentically or as the true you. Dating is too exhausting.
💭 You feel surrounded by options, but you don’t know how to choose with clarity.
This workshop is for you, if you are ready to dive deep and get to grips with your ways of dating and relating, so you can shed settling and start searching for a deeply connected partnership.
About , Sarah’s Dating Agency - Tailor Matched is a thought leading matchmaking agency based in the UK, operating internationally, that connects singles based on compatibility both inside and outside the bedroom. They are the only dating agency worldwide that creates personal introductions based on sexual, emotional and intellectual compatibility.
Please note:
We have a no-refund and no-transfer policy on all of our events. if you can not attend in person, we will send you the recording after the workshop has finished.
We reserve the right to remove anyone from our events that is not inclusive, kind or supportive to the workshop environment and this is at our discretion, solely.
Event Venue
GBP 27.80